Why do human beings harm their young?

2021-02-03 8:00 pm
Every species on this planet protects their young, but humans. When I talk about harm I am referring to physical abuse and sexual abuse. Chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas don't physically abuse or sexual abuse their young, so why do humans?

Why exactly do spiders eat their young?

回答 (9)

2021-02-05 7:11 pm
Infanticide is common amongst animals. In group settings, where only dominant members can mate and reproduce, any formerly subservient troop member who rises to dominance may well kill off the young of the previously dominant member(s). For example, young lions taking over an older lions pride.
Chimpanzees especially will use physical abuse on younger members to reinforce the hierarchy of the troop. In the case of Bonobos this may extend to sexual abuse as a way to maintain status.
For solitary animals, a male wanting to mate with a female with young will try to kill the young to bring the female back into oestrus.
2021-02-03 8:47 pm
Well some species eat their young, so putting it in perspective......
2021-02-03 8:02 pm
You are mistaken, some spiders eat their young
2021-02-06 11:43 am
Sorry, but your perception of animal behavior is incorrect; many animals practice cannibalism on a regular basis, and chimps are particularly prone to it. Besides that, animals will mate with their own offspring... so, would you classify that as sexual abuse? As far as physical abuse, when it comes to what happens in establishing rank in a group of primates, almost anything is possible.
2021-02-04 7:22 am
They do actually, sometimes. Environmental stressors are a factor. If the adults can't properly care for or feed themselves...they won't the offspring either.
2021-02-04 1:41 am
and abort.........................
2021-02-09 8:01 am
Police stop you at checkpoint to check if you’re chipped (aka vaccinated)

Police check the car; let's say 4 people car but signal only from 3; so, police stop it to chip the notyetchipped; signal from 4 now and police let the car go. This is prophecy by saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov. Notice police chip (aka vaccinate) people at gun point in Africa; so, no more "it's not gonna happen here" 'cuz it will soon enough, capisce?

Police do it on highways or when you leave your city... basically, you can't leave your city unless you're vaccinated; but vaccine = mark of the beast; so, escape now while your city doesn't have these rules; forgive me.

Gov't sprays chemtrails so that people feel symptoms of flu

5G will kill vaccinated; just read Georgia Guidestones' commandment of 500 million max population on earth; it fits with Orthodox Christian prophecy of 7 percent of people left

Russian Orthodox prophecy also says that there will be unbearable stench in winter. So, there you go. Russian winters are cold. So, they must have died from the new disease that doesn't have a name 'cuz it's caused by 5G.

martial law; Constitution was suspended; New World Order

read Book of Revelation; Chapters 13 and 14, please

chipped people will be influenced by super computers to receive World Passport (grey plastic card with no name on it), but when they stretch their hands to get it, gov't clerk presses secret button to administer the unforgivable green 666 tattoo by isotope rays

If you escape mark of the beast, then your direct ancestors go to permanent heaven

how to escape it? by hiding within a small group (10 - 15 people according to saints Gabriel Urgebadze and Seraphim of Sarov); no documents; no electronics

Project Pogo = Alex Jones, QAnon, Adam Green, etc. videos are put out so that gov't tracks who watches them. (Project Zyphr annihilates people who watch these videos). Drone with scopolamine will drill a hole in your window at 4 am. Once gassed, you will come out to the police van (waiting for you outside) yourself; you will be taken to underground camp to be tortured for adrenochrome. The rest of the people will be secretly (or even openly) chipped when they sign up for food in closed stores

AI (artificial intelligence aka demons) will post on your social media as if it were you doing it while you're on vacation; it will even make phone calls on behalf of you; no one will notice that you're missing in action.
參考: According to the Last Prophet (aka incarnated ARCHANGEL URIEL aka saint healer VYACHESLAV KRASHENINNIKOV) if the last descendant rejects mark of the beast, then his/her direct ancestors go to permanent heaven. To reject mark of the beast, one needs to hide within a 10-15 people group without electronics/documents. Documents are from Satan; burn them. Electronics can be used to track you and to show the antichrist (even on old broken unplugged TV set from 1970's using Tesla’s ether); reject all vaccines, tests, temperature scans, etc.; forgive me.
2021-02-04 2:01 am
Some humans are sociopaths and some are psychopaths. Their behavior is not typical of humans. Psychopaths and sociopaths do not care what is right or wrong.  There is no other species that would do things that can result in the deaths of 400,000 individuals dying of covid, and also no species that would put to death millions of individuals simply because they are a different race either. Most people would not do what Trump or Hitler did. Most people are good, but there are some really bad sociopathic and psychopathic monsters out there. Pscychopathic behavior are known in nature though. There is a lioness in one pride that kills cubs. She has been driven away from the pride but she comes back again and again to try to kill more cubs. Scientists think that her pathological behavior is the result of excessive inbreeding.
2021-02-03 8:08 pm
some humans are sick in the head. that's why in the animal kingdom, the females only mate with the strongest healthiest males. those males have good genes. humans don't use that rule to mate. (there is rape in all species, but not on the same scale as humans. that means men with bad genes make babies and their evil mental sickness is passed on).

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:10:38
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