Why do people think that chimpanzees are our relatives?

2021-02-03 6:38 pm
Take a look at a chimp and then look at a man. Their is no comparison. I don't walk on my knuckles and have sharp canine teeth. Chimps at times can be savages, and very violent. Their uncivilized monkeys who can't even talk. Why does science see man as another lower form of animal?

I mean isn't that putting man down, labeling him just another animal?


Don't you think we're more then that?


Why exactly did man make the choice to leave the jungle and walk upright? Why didn't chimpanzees make that choice? Or another other type of ape?

回答 (3)

2021-02-03 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
> Why do people think that chimpanzees are our relatives?
Similar structures.  We're a lot alike.  Read up on taxonomy.

> form of animal
Because we *are* a form of Eumetazoa animal.  Read up on Eumetazoa.

> isn't that putting man down
No.  Maybe it's uplifting of other Eumetazoa animals.  Read up on body plan genes.

> Don't you think we're more then that?
Of course.  Read up on "Upper Paleolithic cultural revolution." 

> Why exactly did man make the choice to leave the jungle and walk upright?
Our ancestors lived in a crummy place that was undergoing repeated droughts.  It was marginal habitat for big dumb apes.  Walking upright gave the ability to see farther over the plains, which is where things like the ancestors of lions and leopards lived.  It also gave the ability for our ancestors to find food and carry it back to their sisters and their cousins and their aunts.

> Why didn't chimpanzees make that choice?
Those were big dumb apes that lived in a nice jungle, and not in a crummy place that had repeated droughts.
But don't worry, we showed them eventually.  Who's an endangered species now, huh?
2021-02-03 7:07 pm
We have incontrovertible scientific proof that apes and humans share a common ancestor. Of course, the thing about science is that it remains true whether you accept it or not
2021-02-03 6:47 pm
Whether you believe it or not, chimpanzees are closely related to humans. Not only are we in the same Family and sub family but we are also in the same tribe

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:11:16
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