Does It Bother You That Pelosi and Schumer Claim a False Precedent For Impeaching Someone No Longer in Office?

2021-02-03 3:09 pm
Their rationale is from 1876 where former Secretary of War Belknap resigned after impeachment proceedings started but the Senate tried him anyway.  

Two points-President Trump had charges filed against him after he was officially on his way out.  And Belknap was acquitted in the Senate because 45% of sitting senators didn't believe they had authority to authority to try someone ALREADY OUT OF OFFICE!!!  Sound familiar?  45% of senators NOW still believe they don't have authority to try someone ALREADY OUT OF OFFICE.

Isn't that the REAL precedent?

So much Trump hatred here, you should be ashamed of yourselves.  And a pretty poor understanding of history too. Jim says it's a Constitutional duty to set new precedents.  i.e., he doesn't understand the Constitution which IS the precedent. Tribeca claims that Secretary Belknap was impeached after he resigned, then tried.  The fact is he was impeached FIRST, then resigned, then found not guilty. John thinks the USS Belknap was name for Secretary Belknap (a general). It was named for an admiral.


Does no one study American history any more???

回答 (9)

2021-02-03 3:50 pm
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It's their Constitutional duty to set new precedents, not to follow old ones
2021-02-03 3:21 pm
Everything you have posted is wrong.  Trump was impeached on January 13, 2021, before he left office.  

Belknap was impeached after he resigned.  Belknap had tried to stave off impeachment by resigning.  Belknap was then tried after he resigned.  
2021-02-03 3:25 pm
Does it bother you to be consistently wrong?

Seriously, that must have taken some effort.

Re: your updates - No, Belknap resigned abruptly when facing the certainty of Impeachment by the House.  They Impeached him anyway.

AFTER he resigned.

The Article of Impeachment against Trump was filed a full week before he left office.

Seriously, don't criticize people for getting the facts wrong when you have gotten them wrong repeatedly.
2021-02-03 3:14 pm
Doesnt bother me at all. I would prefer a lynching, but we are a nation of laws.
2021-02-03 3:15 pm
Trump committed the impeachable offenses while in office.
Trump was impeached by the House on those charges while in office.
The House charges were sent to the Senate before Trump left office.
It was only Mitch McConnell delay in addressing the House impeach charges that made the trial occur after Trump left on the 20th.
2021-02-03 3:19 pm
Not anymore that "not killing anymore" is a valid excuse for not prosecuting someone who committed a murder last year.

Impeaching the orange shitstain will evidently nor remove him from office but will leave a trace in the record, will forbid him from ever running again, and will open the door to the complete revocation of his whole tenure, so that his executive orders, treaties, PARDONS (oh, yeah!) and nominations (bye bye, Limbaugh's medal) will de facto be annulled.

And we need that.
2021-02-03 3:16 pm
All I care about is that they are a lot more interested in getting aid to Americans than mitch McConnell ever was
2021-02-03 3:43 pm
Nah . And the word false claims you are using it falsely
2021-02-03 3:18 pm
Belknap got USS Belknap named for him.

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