Why do so many people think taxes are bad?

2021-02-03 7:46 am
They pay for things like roads, pubic schools, police and fire departments and even *gasp* salaries for politicians!

I appreciate the response, Pearl. I was worried that I scared you off.


Socialism, to some degree, can be a good thing. I consider myself to be a socialist Democrat, like David Pakman. I like capitalism, as long as there's social safety nets like Medicare for All and the SNAP program.

回答 (11)

2021-02-03 7:53 am
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Taxes are required for any society to function. High taxes, Unnecessary taxes, these types of taxes are wrong and kill progress. FYI, Senators make $174,000 per year. That's too much money. Just imagine how much we are paying for all those politicians. Federal, State, County, City. There's a lot of people living off my labor. We have a for-profit government these days.
2021-02-03 7:48 am
Not all taxes are bad. But out of control spending, waste, and corruption are bad.
2021-02-03 7:47 am
You're not smart enough for this.
2021-02-03 7:49 am
Agreed. I just think we need a flat tax for all above a certain annual income (say, 35,000 to 40,000). So, everyone pays the same percentage, no loopholes, nothing owed, nothing back. 
2021-02-03 8:45 am
cause they dont like to pay it
2021-02-03 7:58 am
Wait.... you mean the creeping socialism the r's like to pretend is coming is ALREADY HERE?

Pooling our money to afford things like roads and water systems and sewers and the military and police and fire departments is socialism, pure and simple!  I can't  believe it only took Biden 2 weeks to dismantle our system!
2021-02-03 7:51 am
LOCAL taxes are great and they tell 'clueful' people WHERE the bad voters are...The federal taxes should be for LISTED power in the US constitution....Not the Democrat translation, tho. Notice 'pubic schools, police and fire departments,' are not listed as SOMETHING the feds can draw from the federal treasury to support...Other than postal, patent/copyright, military, or treasury police and fire departments at ports, parks, and other federal institutions.
參考: Notice the ACTUAL US law defines those powers (and spending for) of the feds, state, and local levels of GOVERNMENT.
2021-02-03 7:49 am
Because taxes can get really high.
2021-02-03 7:48 am
Because conservatives do not want to see minorities helped.
"waste" like what? an ineffective wall?
2021-02-03 7:55 am
2021-02-03 7:54 am
So, howcum with all the ridiculously high taxes Americans are paying the country is well over 20 trillion $$$ in debt, and gov. has to print more $$$ every year. (Cannot go on forever, just look up Weimar Republic (later NAZI Germany), and Zimbabwe.

Wanna see a REAL hockey stick chart?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:12:04
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