Should I move?

2021-02-02 5:51 pm
So I live in an apartment that’s very nice. However I live right next to an elevator shaft that’s quite noisy. I hear it a lot and sometimes it wakes me up at night. 
Another issue is that I’m not sure I like the area. It reminds me of a past relationship that I have tried to move on from.
Do you think that’s a good reason to find another apartment? What would you do about it?

回答 (10)

2021-02-02 6:15 pm
How many more times are you going to post this ?
2021-02-02 9:53 pm
You have posted this scenario three times!  Enough is enough!
2021-02-02 6:37 pm
I'd suggest you get some earplugs and stop complaining here.
2021-02-02 5:52 pm
Once again, first world problem
2021-02-03 1:02 am
This shyt again???!!!  Grow a pair & cut the apron strings troll.  Posting the same thing over & over is a violation of YA terms. Move on! 
2021-02-02 9:44 pm
You are noisier than the elevator.  Shut up, troll.
2021-02-04 1:15 am
Yes, you don't have to live anywhere you don't want to.
2021-02-03 6:28 am
Sure--it's a good enough reason. You really don't have to justify moving to some other place if you don't like where you live!
2021-02-03 6:00 am
If it bothers you that much then I'd go ahead and leave.  There may be people it wont bother to much but for you it probably only going to bother you more and more, and life is to short for this.
2021-02-02 5:54 pm
Moving is an adventure is my suggestion...

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:30:35
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