Why did Dustin Diamond's stage 4 cancer kill him faster than Shannon Doherty?

2021-02-02 9:10 am
She announced hers first

回答 (33)

2021-02-02 2:31 pm
Stage 4 is the most deadliest of all and there's absolutely no survival in that.

And if it's detected at stage 4 only, your life is done.

That's why cancer screenings are important. All kinds even if you feel nothing wrong -- colonoscopy, stomach ultrasound / CT, upper endoscopy, head MRI, etc etc

For lungs I'm not sure how it's screened.

Many cancers show no symptoms at all until very late.

The other issue is that many health insurance companies will avoid cancer screenings if nothing is wrong or if you're not that old.

They won't consider 44 old
2021-02-02 11:00 am
His spread much faster.
Also he was diagnosed when it was too late unfortunately, didn’t catch when it was in early stages. He waited too long to get checked out 
2021-02-02 9:50 pm
Different types of cancer develop at different rates.
We do not know how long he had the cancer before it announced it.
We do not how far advanced it was before they discovered it
We do not know what treatments he underwent
We do not know if he was doing things that might have continued to advance the cancer while Doherty is not
Not enough details to know why he went so fast.
2021-02-02 9:14 pm
I didn't know that Shannon Doherty was killing him at any speed.
2021-02-02 9:41 pm
Shannon Doherty wasn't killing him.
2021-02-03 5:01 am
Because it was caught late.
2021-02-02 9:22 am
He had the most aggressive lung cancer which spreads fast.  It was stage 4 when found. He claims he never smoked.  
2021-02-02 10:35 pm
He probably didn't take care of himself plus  a lot of men don't like going to the doctor's for there checkups . 
2021-02-02 10:33 pm
I wonder if he had it a long time and did not want anyone to know that he had cancer
2021-02-02 9:43 pm
Two different types of cancer, for one thing, and there are also variations WITHIN types.
2021-02-02 7:12 pm
The poor guy probably had cancer for a long time before it was discovered.  {RIP Screech}.  
2021-02-02 3:49 pm
I don’t know but it is very unfortunate.
2021-02-02 9:12 am
Different kinds of cancer. With treatment, breast cancer, even stage-four, has much greater odds of survival than colon cancer. Colon cancer is particularly lethal.
2021-02-12 11:30 am
Because it was caught late.
2021-02-05 3:57 pm
She caught hers much earlier. 
2021-02-04 11:13 am
Dustin Diamond's cancer was caught late, and he died less than a month after it was diagnosed. Shannen Doherty has breast cancer, and not all cancers are the same so there may or may not be a chance that she might make it to the end of the year.
2021-02-03 4:01 pm
Shannen Doherty's last face lift scared her cancer away.
2021-02-03 12:49 am
Dustin was diagnosed with a fairly rare form of lung cancer which is extremely fast moving.
2021-02-02 9:27 pm
Doherty had breast cancer.  I do not know what type of cancer Diamond had.  But all cancers are not the same, even if the cancer is in the same stage.  Also, I do not think that we know at what point he was diagnosed.  
2021-02-02 10:44 pm
There are 2 ways cancer is measured. One is stage (1 - 4) which is a measurement of how much the cancer has spread through the body at the time of diagnosis. The other is grade (1 - 4) which has to do with how aggressive this particular cancer is. Mr. Diamond could have had a higher grade cancer than Ms. Doherty. 

There are other factors too. One person might have been stronger/ healthier before the cancer, and had more strength to fight the cancer's effect on their body. Or their might be a difference in the treatment plan, with one method being more effective than another. Even mental health factors can influence how a person fares against cancer. Someone with a strong spirit and positive outlook often has an edge over someone with depression. Finally, it makes a difference where in the body the cancer has spread to. Cancer that has moved into the lungs or the brain or bone marrow presents more challenges than cancer somewhere else in the body. 
2021-02-02 9:14 am
maybe cause he was in stage 4
2021-02-04 1:11 am
It killed him faster than she could because she has her own problems rather than trying to kill Screech. I'm sure, if she had wanted to, she could have done it sooner.
2021-02-03 5:21 pm
Idk but it's very sad. 40s are atill young. **** cancer
2021-02-03 3:42 pm
That's right.  Whoever announces first should die first!!  Where did you go to medical school?
2021-02-03 11:40 am
Her cancer was a different type, and was caught earlier. His was advanced lung cancer, which is often a quick death. Not sure why Rush Limbaugh seems to keep going, except maybe his was caught earlier.
2021-02-02 10:41 pm
He had cancer in other parts of his body, like his neck and head.
2021-02-02 9:02 pm
Because he wasn't properly diagnosed the first time.
2021-02-03 12:26 am
why did tchalla  when he never announced it?
2021-02-03 12:19 am
I don't believe her's was at stage 4.
May be she had her's caught  in time to save her, but her acting. 

She was a ***** to work with.
參考: WWE Still Sucks
2021-02-02 9:50 pm
He got more votes, duh.
2021-02-02 9:49 pm
Illuminati sacrifice
2021-02-02 9:02 pm
Because there is a God.
2021-02-02 10:03 pm
His Armor was low.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:40:51
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