Do I have a good reason to move?

2021-02-01 8:19 pm
So I live in an apartment my parents bought for me. The apartment itself is very nice. The issue is that I want to live an another area I’m really fond of, but because they bought it for me and especially my dad is overly enthusiastic I don’t have the “mandate” to move. So that’s why the noise from the elevator makes me hopeful because I feel I have a good excuse? Or is it any proofing  materials that could complicate that excuse? 
What do you think?

回答 (5)

2021-02-01 9:59 pm
Yes and no.  I think your simple desire to move is a good reason enough.  Just because Dad bought you the apartment doesn't mean it can't be sold and another apartment can't be bought instead.  You just need to talk to him about it like an adult explaining the many reasons you have why the other location is more desirable.  

Trying to sell Dad on the idea that your present apartment is bad because of a single complaint is going to sound more whiny and not a good enough reason to move.  But it would help to think of a long list of negatives about the apartment and/or the neighbors and neighborhood.  You might even want to talk the real estate agent to help you with the list (both pro and con) about where you live now vs where you want to move in the future.
2021-02-02 8:21 am
i would give your parents their money back if you want to move
2021-02-01 10:58 pm
First, it's very cool of your parents to help you out like that. You're lucky. Be careful not to give them the impression of looking a gift horse in the mouth.

Second, moving takes a lot of time, money, and work. It's quite a hassle. I would advise you to hold off until you have an actual need to move, such as for love or for career. You will also get more help. A boyfriend/girlfriend will help you move. A company will help you pay for relocation.
2021-02-01 9:08 pm
Be grateful young one for your blessings and ask her dad or whoever to see if anything can be done about noise from elevator you might have to wear earplugs if not especially if it’s a old elevator. 
2021-02-01 8:31 pm
Such parents are rare. This is a huge gift - think of all the homeless people no one cares about. My advice is, ride it out for a few years and then see how you feel.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:10:54
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