what aircraft is known as navy one?

2021-02-01 10:16 am

回答 (11)

2021-02-01 10:25 am
There has only been one Navy One, when Bush 43 went to an aircraft carrier in 2003.
He rode in a S-3 Viking.

Specifically, if the president was to fly in official business in any Navy airplane, that plane would be Navy One.
2021-02-01 11:15 am
Technically, any Navy aircraft that the President is on.
2021-02-01 10:27 am
It is name of any Navy aircraft which carries the President of  USA  
However, president don't often fly on Navy Aircraft.   
Only once was this designation used.  

The Lockheed S-3 Viking aircraft used to transport the 
George W Bush to an aircraft carrier for his Mission Accomplishment 
speech.   This plane is now housed at National Naval Aviation Museum
at NAS Pensacola in Florida.  

Based on information from Wikipedia. 

His normal plane is  Air Force One. 
His normal helicopter is Marine One.   
2021-02-01 10:26 am
any one carrying the President of The United States 
2021-02-03 7:37 am
That would be any Navy plane the President is on
Since the Navy does not have the normal duty of flying the President  around they have no such plane designated. 
The last time "Navy One" was used was when GW Bush flew out to the Aircraft Carrier for his "Mission Accomplished " photo op
2021-02-02 1:20 am
there are no aircraft called navy one, air force one, marine one.

what ever aircraft the president is flying in, will be called service One, doesn't matter what gthe aircraft is, it could be a cesna
2021-02-07 8:27 am
It is no particular planes of any service that are called ONE.     If the president is on it,  it is ONE,   otherwise it is not.   So if the President is on a Cessna at the Air Force Academy then he is on Air Force One.   If he is on an Army copter then the Copter is Army ONE.  etc.   ANY aircraft....
2021-02-06 8:37 am
Navy One IS NOT an aircraft. It is a CALL SIGN used by an aircraft operated by the Navy while the sitting President is on board. It is RARELY used.
The same is true of Air Force One and Marine One, except there are actual aircraft that routinely transport the sitting President.
2021-02-02 3:51 am
I'll bet it's one of the 3 lowing-flying ones that fly over your house to retrieve information from your wireless network that they've taken over.
參考: I blocked 'em out with tin foil.
2021-02-02 1:27 am
There was one I believe F14 who was Designated Navy One for a day. Like 20 years ago.  One of the Bush Presidents.  

No other  sitting President since then has used Navy aircraft for transportation so there has not been another Navy one 
2021-02-02 4:24 am
There is no Navy One.  Air Force One is the big jet and Marine One is the helicopter.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:29:28
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