Is your former employer allowed to contact your current employer to ruin your life?

2021-02-01 8:39 am
Suppose an employee has a job, we'll call it Job A. This is a full-time 9-5 office job the employee absolutely loves. In Job A, the employee gets along with his coworkers and the manager is very nice, but the pay is not enough to make ends meet, so he gets Job B, a part-time weekend and evening fast food/retail gig to make extra income. The problem with Job B is that the manager is an tyrannical asshole who rules with an iron fist and micromanages the employees. This employee is not having it, so he gets the balls to sign out of the register that still has a line of customers, slam down his badge, tells this evil manager to go f--k himself while flipping the bird, then proceeds to clock out without putting in a two-week's notice. The employee doesn't care since he already has Job A. The enraged manager threatens to contact Job A about the employee's shenanigans at Job B to get him fired from Job A while manically laughing as the employee exits the door. In the event the employee wants to search for a new job, he will never list Job B on his resume. Can a former employer contact your current employer to get you fired, or are they legally required to maintain confidentiality by not slandering former employees?

回答 (8)

2021-02-01 10:39 am
You walked off the job with customers in line. Any employer may tell anyone they like about that. The truth is not slander.
2021-02-01 12:55 pm
as long as it is truthful, it is not illegal.
2021-02-01 11:33 am
In the U.S., the truth is never slander.  It is slander only if the person lies.  If they are honest, then they aren't slandering anyone.
2021-02-01 10:45 am
Unless you have a confidentiality agreement with your former employer, they can tell anyone about the circumstances of your departure as long as it's either truthful or an expression of their opinion.

If you don't want a former employer bad-mouthing your work ethic, don't give them the ammunition.
2021-02-01 9:39 am
Truth isn't slander.   If you're doing a good job in "A", boss probably doesn't care.
2021-02-01 8:44 am
ACCURATELY reporting GROSSLY unprofessional behavior is 100% legal. It doesn't matter who does the reporting, or who they report it to.
If you acted as you claim, Job A NEEDS to know you are an unstable jerk before you act like an IDIOT while representing them.
2021-02-01 12:39 pm
No, it is against the law in the US. If the current employer calls they can only say the beginning and ending date of your employment and can also say whether they would rehire you if you were to return. 
2021-02-01 9:53 am
i dont think theyre supposed to slander you, theyre supposed to just say youve worked there

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:27:53
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