Must be weird for a guy if your wife is a political leader?

2021-01-31 7:42 pm
So I don’t mind having a female president or Vice President. But when I see female leaders with their husbands I just don’t think of it in the same way as a male leader with a wife by he’s side. And i have to say that if I had a wife that was a politician running for office I would not be comfortable. Being the man in a relationship or marriage standing beside a wife holding a speech or taking oath of office, I would be Uncomfortable in a situation like that. Can you understand that or relate to that? I’m curious what you think.

回答 (7)

2021-01-31 8:31 pm
We lived in a world still largely ruled/run by men. Its what most are used to.  Change is uncomfortable for people but inevitable and necessary.
2021-01-31 10:13 pm
I can understand, I used to be insecure like you.  But when you mature out of that limited thinking you can actually be with a strong enough woman not only willing to strive for, but be capable of such goals.  To the husbands of such women, they don't see it as weird at all because they see their partner as a peer, not someone that only exists as subservient to him.
2021-02-01 8:39 am
I dare say there would be many a wife standing by her man thinking the same thing - that they are not comfortable with the situation. But, like them, you do it because they are the person you love. Loving them means loving the  whole of who they are, including if they are in Office or not. 
2021-02-01 4:25 am
No one just wakes and becomes the VP of the US, the PM of NZ or the Chancellor of Germany. The husbands of these women have watched their wives serve in lower offices for years so by the time they get to the world stage they're used to it and not threatened by it. 
2021-02-01 12:40 am
How is it any different than being 
married to a woman who runs or 
even owns her own successful 
business or company? From the 
way you described it, the fact that 
you have to stand behind/beside 
her while she takes an oath, or 
gives a speech with you there, 
is somehow worse than if she is 
doing it while you are at home? 
No, I can't relate to that.
2021-01-31 8:41 pm
Uh uh! Puppet master stay behind. That person in front making all the speech there you see is the puppet 
2021-01-31 8:38 pm
Sure I can understand it. For one thing, professional politicians, like surgeons, don't spend much time at home. P\In addition, politics has a bad habit of intruding into personal lives. I can even understand the power difference.  I believe in equality whole heartedly, but even I don't want to date a woman who towers over me.I

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:12:49
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