Do you think Adam and Eve existed?

2021-01-31 7:00 pm

回答 (95)

2021-02-01 1:57 am
First there were no humans. Then there were humans. So obviously the first humans existed. However, they were not two individuals. "Adam and Eve" are symbolic of the first human population.
2021-02-01 5:59 am
Yes, and l think that the Biblical account of them and of Satan in the book of Genesis has extremely important lessons that we need to learn.
2021-02-01 11:06 am
Because I believe the Bible, yes, I believe Adam and Eve existed. And more than that, science has looked at DNA studies, and determined that we all descended from a single mother. So science supports what the Bible has stated for a long long time. 
2021-02-01 5:46 pm
It is a simple story for simple minded people.
2021-02-02 1:26 am

All the evidence says otherwise.

The Bible is just mythology.
2021-02-02 8:08 pm
Yes, I think they existed just as the bible says. Even when we look at DNA it seems to point back to one individual. They call it Eve, I think it was Eve. 
2021-02-02 3:14 am
Beyond all doubt.
God made ‘man’ in His image---thereby communicating the masculinity of the Trinity right from the start. That is, Adam, the first man, is a type/pattern/ foreshadowing of Christ, who would come much later in history.

In [Revelation 22] we see the community of the SAVED in a setting similar to that of Adam and Eve. In the New Jerusalem is a river "flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the Tree of Life" [verses 1-2].
The biblical story of man begins in the Garden of Eden with his rejection of the tree of life. It closes with God's immortal family dwelling together before His throne while enjoying the fruits of the Tree of Life. It is the kind of fruit—the product of righteous relationships—that will make eternal life worth living.

Adam also possessed both an “X” and a “Y” chromosome and was quite capable of generating a woman from his genes (rib) alone. Can you see that all the genetic information required to create Eve was in Adam? So, Eve could be taken from Adam, but Adam could not be taken from Eve.

And just in case you missed it, let’s have a look at God’s last warning [Revelation 22:18-19] “IF ANY MAN SHALL ADD unto these things. . . And if any man shall TAKE AWAY FROM THE WORDS of the Book of this Prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the Book of Life. . .

Oh, you might say that this particular warning with consequences refers SPECIFICALLY to the book of Revelation. True. But the first warning is a warning to those who take away the words of this prophecy. Well, If we operate by principle: interpretation is one, but application is many so the principle specifically in Revelation, can also be true for the entire Word of God [Deuteronomy 4:2]; [Deuteronomy 12:32]; [Revelation 1:3].
nineteenthly, evolution is an evil indoctrination enforced on students. <One of the main reasons why people lack common sense> No offense intended, but humans that have evolved alongside bonobos, and gorillas have no (logical) reasoning in their makeup. No wonder some behave like animals and in many cases, we cannot miss the double look alike???? {Forgive me} -- All they have are some sketches, some fabricated bits, and a skeptical mind.
Unfortunately, your fairy tale will not end in a ball gown, but in the arms of The Beast. Unless you do something about it...
2021-02-02 5:03 pm
Absolutely not, and I have met very few believers who even talk about the bible Adam and Eve.  But that story/tale is strange to start with, as Adam had a first wife  who would have been, what? god made?, LOL, and at the time Adam was made. Atheists sometimes in conversation  on Adam's 1st wife,  will say that she knew as much as did Adam, and she realized that god was placing her status below that of Adam.  She refused as she wanted equality and walked away.  So god had to make a woman out of one of Adam's ribs so she would be like Adam but accept being thought as less knowledgeable.  But no, I do not believe the tale of Adam and Eve.  Believers try to claim that the god made Adam and Eve in his image.  Really!  If that is true, then man would have no image as believers also claim that god is invisible, that would then mean that Adam and Eve were invisible. Such nonsensical tales in the bible is why I do not believe any of it.
2021-02-04 2:57 am
[whether you believe they had existed or not, humanity had to start with 2 people.]

King James Bible Version 1885

2 John Chapter 1

3. Grace be with you, mercy, [and] peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.

John Chapter 3

12. If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?
2021-02-04 5:08 pm
Yes, without a single doubt, they existed. There’s plenty of genealogical evidence showing we trace our lineage to one man and one woman. I don’t believe in the mainstream scientific narrative about the origins of life or the fictional made-up fairy tales about human evolution. Any scientific finding that contradicts the Qur’an is false and to be thrown in the wayside. 

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