What does this Bible verse mean "he that hath knowledge spareth his words"?

2021-01-31 8:31 am
Proverbs 17:27

回答 (8)

2021-01-31 11:56 am
 A truly wise person speaks few words;
and a person with understanding is even-tempered.

God gave us two ears and one mouth so we'd listen twice as much as we speak.

And those who talk the most say the least.
2021-01-31 2:20 pm
Wise men know when to keep their tater traps shut

2021-01-31 10:45 am
“Anyone holding back his sayings is possessed of knowledge, and a man of discernment is cool of spirit.” Proverbs 17:27

 A person possessing knowledge of God’s Word holds back his sayings and does not let his words fly freely, in a torrent, especially when he is perturbed.

 Aware of his relationship with Jehovah and his proper place in God’s organization, he will not let the heat of anger overpower him.

 Instead, a man of discernment endeavors to keep cool and balanced in thought. With such a spirit, you too can master circumstances that would drive a foolish person into sin.

Along these lines, we read: “He that is slow to anger is abundant in discernment, but one that is impatient is exalting foolishness.” Proverbs 14:29
2021-01-31 8:36 am

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of understanding. Guard your mouth for out flows from it the wellspring of life and death. 

Means stay quiet. Humility is a sign of intelligence. No one will ever know how stupid you are until you open your mouth. 

🥴 My mother used to say it all the time.
2021-01-31 9:17 am
There's also a proverb that says even a fool is considered to be wise if he remains silent
2021-02-01 4:08 am
The next verse explains the principle.  "Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace,  he shuts his lips he is considered perceptive." (Proverbs 17:27). 

So it means that when a man really does have knowledge, he is not hasty to speak because he doesn't need to prove anything to the crowd.  Those who want to be heard, very often know nothing.

God has told us to be swift to hear and SLOW to speak you see. James 1:19)
2021-02-01 1:48 am
Negative emotions can cloud clear thinking, so try to stay calm.
2021-01-31 8:53 am
They won’t believe you it’s like speaking to def ears 

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