Can anyone help me ? I need help with this. ?

2021-01-31 7:16 am
Why can’t I stop getting angry and arguing with my teen son?  He has oppositional defiant disorder and adhd and he is very manipulative, it’s impossible to walk away  . I don’t  get angry with others like this and it makes me feel that the Holy Spirit is not helping me overcome this anger. I pray for forgiveness and try not to and I pray that I overcome this but it never happens. 

What does stop trolling R S mean?

回答 (8)

2021-02-01 4:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
The first thing a child learns is how to operate the adults around him.  Your son is a master at pushing your buttons.  All I can think of is taking a step back, realizing what he's trying to do to you, and refuse to be drawn into arguments.  Your house, your rules.  Period.
2021-02-01 1:52 am
Talk to Your Teenager​—Without Arguing. Read here:
2021-01-31 9:27 am
Your first mistake is allowing him to "make you" do anything for that is giving him control. Own how you "chose" to feel.
2021-01-31 7:24 am
Plan A: Check with the local authorities, and a good lawyer, and see what the requirements are to have him declared an "emancipated minor".
 If he qualifies, set him free.
Free from the confines of living in YOUR home, by YOUR rules.
Plan B: Make a novena to Saint Dymphna, patron saint of those with mental disorders.
Plan C: Stop trolling R&S
2021-02-01 4:59 am
he must take after you in some way if you must confront him all the time. go to anger management class and see what you can do to stop the destructiveness of your actions
2021-01-31 7:44 am
Maybe get him on his meds regularly. And try being the adult. 
2021-01-31 7:19 am
.Not in the religion section...
2021-01-31 7:48 am
Why aren't you asking that question in Mental Health?  The Lord helps those who help themselves.

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 03:09:37
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