contaminate=spreading ; Try to use it instead..
Contaminated spreading by covid19 in TW can kill you.
spreading=pp as an adj
eg:-Virus spreading disease called covid-19 was found in Wuhan, China.
eg:-A virus spreading in TW can kill you !!!
eg:-The spreading of a virus called covid-19 is found in TW near your home-town !!!
eg:-The spreading of a covid-19 virus can kill you in TW.
eg:-The spreading of the disease is invisible !!!
eg:-Covid-19, What a spreadability(=spread/spreading)(if there is such a word ?!).!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eg:-The spreadability virus from the infectious hospitals to your house near by have the involved-power to affect you in contaminating ,communicating, infecting, masking, leathalling,and spreading.
eg:-Spreading virus kills !!!