Why are the Call of Duty game campaigns so f****** short? ?

2021-01-30 10:33 am
The campaigns are so much better than f****** multiplayer I really don't know why Treyarch does not focus on more campaign then f****** multiplayer bulshit it makes me so f****** mad

回答 (6)

2021-01-30 11:36 am
Multi-player makes money. People buy map packs and gun packs. You can't buy anything extra in the campaign so they focus less development on it. I agree with you it sucks, but the call of duty series isn't really for people intrested in the single player experience anymore. It has one but its secondary to the multi-player.
2021-02-11 11:33 pm
Call of Duty campaigns arent that short and I wouldconsider them mostly mid length for the type of game you getting but the real focus of CoD games are mostly Ground War and 6 on 6 matches online with 12 maps ( 8 with DLC more ) and its been 14 / 15 years and at least 10 games going strong still I'm inpressed .
2021-02-05 11:48 pm
no, mw3 was decently long, did it in hard difficulty.
2021-01-31 1:41 pm
Multiplayer has become the main attraction because kids these days just want to play online. I would actually say that Cold War has the shortest campaign and is the only short one. COD3 had a pretty long campaign, as did World at War. Cod 4 MW, MW2, MW3 had roughly the same length of campaigns and the same goes for BO1 and 3. BO2 had a longer one because of optional missions and how doing them altered the campaign. Yada yada. Treyarch skimped on Cold War because Warzone is all the hype. 
2021-01-30 5:28 pm
I only play COD for zombies. 
2021-01-30 10:34 am

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