With President Biden in office are you optimistic about the economy going forward?

2021-01-30 7:20 am
In just ten days gasoline is up.40 cents a gallon and the markets are down.

回答 (7)

2021-01-30 7:22 am
I will be among the first to tell Biden supporters "I told you so."  With him comes a downturn in markets, loss of jobs, recession, more illegals, more taxes, more useless regulations, pandering to unions, sucking up to China.
2021-01-30 7:26 am
By the time Old Joe is done destroying jobs in the petroleum and natural gas industry, we'll be importing oil from Iran and Natural Gas from Saudi Arabia.
2021-01-30 7:24 am
This is what Democrats do best. Just wait till the tax increases take effect. 

But the AntiPOTUS had time to sign an order allowing men in women's bathrooms.
2021-01-30 7:31 am
Actually each loon cabinet appointment - raised the cost....J efffff Kerry just made the dam burst. Maybe all the Democrats can learn to code or install solar panels.
參考: Or move to a solar panel assembly 'camp' in CHYNA. With the Uyghurs and signs that say ~ 'Work will make you free.'
2021-01-30 7:23 am
Says the lowest price is under $2 here.
參考: Cons are frauds and liars
2021-01-30 7:22 am
gas was already going up for the past few months based on supply, and the stock market tanked because of volatility caused by Robinhood day traders up ending everything
2021-01-31 3:35 am
Absolutely, Joe has already begun taking steps to build back the economy stronger than ever.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:10:40
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