Yahoo Headline "John Kerry Suggests Oil Workers Laid Off Due to Biden Policies Should Make Solar Panels" Really?

2021-01-29 11:32 pm
Someone tell John Kerry that China dominates the market on solar cells and panels. Americans and Canadians can not make the units at he same price levels.

回答 (11)

2021-01-29 11:33 pm
So you're willing to just roll over and let China dominate that market, instead of trying to compete with them?
2021-01-29 11:50 pm
Is it better that we fall behind the rest of the world in order to maintain a dying industry because someone might lose their job,, or is it better to train those in new technologies so we can dominate the market,,,

And why do you think China dominates the market anyway,,
2021-01-29 11:34 pm
Another example of how contards have no interest in innovation.
2021-01-30 2:57 am
He is a moronic coward. Married well, flies around in her personal jet. He could not manage a 7-11 store yet he is an advisor to Biden on climate change? Jesus help us.
2021-01-29 11:54 pm
Oil workers and especially pipeline construction workers probably make $100k/year.  The average wage in solar manufacturing is $45k/year. 
2021-01-29 11:44 pm
There is a 100,000 square foot facility down the street from my company that used to be home to an aircraft fabricator.  Over 100 skilled machinists worked there along with an office full of engineers and professionals.

After decades of being "nickeled and dimed" by the state with punitive taxes and fees under the guise of "environmental programs" they moved to the South... For those that play the "oh, so you don't like clean air" card... They were fully electric, but every year their permit fees jumped by several thousand dollars.  During the state's electrical crisis, they were told they could not bring in a diesel backup generator unless they paid $50,000 to the city for a "environmental waiver."

That facility remained empty for years until a "Solar Energy"  company moved in. Now it is a warehouse for Chinese-made parts that employs 6 people, two of whom are minimum wage shipping dock workers.

Our city councilman was praised for creating "green jobs" and our "leaders" call it a "model for the new Green Economy"...

And by the way.... for those that think we can just start making solar panels and windmills here..... guess what?

The materials are considered so toxic that they are banned in dozens of states... When this company had a pallet of solar panels fall off their shipping dock they had to call the city Hazmat team to do an evaluation.

The irony, of course, is that if we adjusted regulatory codes to allow "green" manufacturing years ago, companies would not have been fleeing California for the past 20 years...
參考: RIP Miss Cicely
2021-01-31 10:14 pm
Yahoo Finance Headline "Japan's Panasonic to end solar panel production".  They can't compete with increased price competition from Chinese manufacturers.
2021-01-30 12:59 am
However with the growth in the use of solar panels around the world there is a huge demand.  With any product the more you make the cheaper you can make them for..  America is currently the second biggest manufacturer of solar panels in the world.

The whole world wants green energy to replace their reliance on fossil fuels, yet here you are the country who used to lead the world in every new marketing opportunities rubbishing an attempt to make your country the world leader in this field too.  Never in my life would i have thought I would see American Republicans throwing in the towel on what is one of the biggest economic growth areas in the world, because the Chinese lead in this field and they didn't vote for the man in the Whitehouse.
2021-01-29 11:36 pm
Replace making with installation, and there are some jobs. Almost all oilfield equipment is made in China or India, but the workers here still had jobs. 

I doubt it would be enough to replace all the oilfield jobs, but that is the consequence of progress.
2021-01-29 11:35 pm
You mean Americans cannot do better than China? You missed the point that installations have to be done in america
2021-01-29 11:37 pm
#magafailure2021. Waaaaahhhhh,. Can't do this can't do that someone call fraud traitor trump to save me. Waaahhhhhh

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:29:37
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