Why do conservatives think liberals would care about the jobs lost constructing the Keystone pipeline and border wall?

2021-01-29 2:54 am
Did conservatives care about the jobs lost when abortion clinics were shuttered?

回答 (13)

2021-01-29 3:42 am
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Regressives only pretend to care about anything, when they can blame liberals for it.
2021-01-29 3:05 am
I hardly think the thousands of people who have already lost their jobs as a result of this ban begins to compare to the handful of people at the handful of clinics around the country. Not to mention that these people could easily find jobs in the local health care facilities in their area. That is NOT the case for these pipeline workers and builders of the wall, nor does it address the town businesses that will dry up because the Keystone workers will leave. 
2021-01-29 2:55 am
It’s not on the US news, but there is a rumor that Canada is planning to build their own refinery for their pipeline.
2021-01-29 3:18 am
oh yea  construction and baby murder theres a good comparison
2021-01-29 2:59 am
Conservatives always knew Biden was a liar when he said he was concerned about the working man, but apparently you bought into it.
2021-01-29 2:56 am
I didn't think you would care. You people don't care who you step on or ruin to get power. 
2021-01-29 3:10 am
Obviously liberals don't care about union jobs or any jobs for Americans, you are out to destroy the middle-class.
I see you are proud of that, typical liberal hater.
You sir, are evil!
2021-01-29 2:59 am
Border wall=Pointless   Keystone Pipeline=destroy our water supply.
2021-01-29 3:25 am
We know that you don't care but many people do including the workers and their families.
We are making noise to turn the blue collar workers against you.
Seeing as you apparently do not care about their jobs that will make it so much easier.
2021-01-29 3:24 am
those were good paying jobs too
2021-01-30 11:59 am
They can always take the wall down. That would give those people a job. The money to pay them can come from red states federal budgets. 
2021-01-29 10:37 am
My retirement is secure.  Biden can cause all the unemployment he wants.  
2021-01-29 3:17 am
Abortions are part of a supply demand system. With "plan B" a lot of women are avoiding needing a doctor assisted homicide. Lower demand dictates fewer suppliers because no one is purchasing the service.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:27:06
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