Building the Keystone XL pipeline was supposed to create a lot of jobs, right? What happens to those jobs when the pipeline is finished?

2021-01-28 9:16 pm
Sounds like a game of "kick the can" to me.

回答 (8)

2021-01-28 9:17 pm
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Like the border wall project, these are just temporary jobs. President Biden is focused on permanent jobs. Great paying jobs!
2021-01-28 9:20 pm
Biden issued an executive order halting the construction of the pipeline. If the pipeline is built and it leaks, then there are a lot of jobs cleaning the oil and also a lot of jobs trucking bottled water to people who depend on the water the pipeline has polluted. 
2021-01-28 9:23 pm
Those were jobs of the past. Biden is about jobs of the future.
2021-01-28 9:18 pm
Biden killed them all.   Many minorities will be starving now. This is why you should never vote for Dems. They don't care about you.
2021-01-29 12:57 am
biden ended them....................
2021-01-28 9:19 pm
You know those pump stations, I fix air conditioners on them, if I thought you had a job we could play "what if"....  you dipshitt that same oil will be rolling through your town in Warren Buffett's tank cars...You are such a rube... 
參考: green energy, myass...
2021-01-28 9:27 pm
There would be around 50 permanent jobs to maintain and control the pipe line.

I wonder if Republicans can remember how they have been trying to convince everyone for months that Biden was in China's pocket, he would be weak on China.

Well here we have Fox News bringing on a spokesperson from the right wing National Taxpayers Union attacking Biden's "buy American" Executive Order as being to too tough and mean on China.  Link below.

So getting the government to spend American taxpayers money and if possible buy American goods made at home is now bad.

You couldn't make this **** up.
2021-01-28 9:19 pm
Saw in Canadian news that they are planning to build a refinery in the country and may not need to build their pipeline. TransCanada is the company.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:12:06
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