If an asteroid as big as the one that killed the dinosaurs hit the planet, would we be able to hear it make contact?

2021-01-28 5:14 pm
If an asteroid as big as the one that killed the dinosaurs hit the planet, would we be able to hear it?

回答 (9)

2021-01-28 5:44 pm
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That might depend on how close we are to where it hits. If we are in Australia and it hits is Sweden, we might not hear it. We would feel it as the earth would shake and we'd soon become aware of it because dust and debris thrown into the atmosphere would block sunlight, probably for years. Of course we'd only worry about that if we survived the impact, the shock wave, the heat of the impact, the earthquakes and the tsunami. The odds would not be in our favour.
2021-01-29 5:32 am
2021-01-29 2:34 am
At that point who cares we are all gonna die.  
2021-01-28 10:31 pm
if an asteroid the size of the planet hit the hurt YES we would feel it and see it and experience the sheeer force of the shockwave and the heat from the blast no matter where it lands

the sky would go dark due to the debree from the crust of the earth

the food chain would crash .. screwing up our habital life ... ice age would probably begin .. and life would get a restart

but yes we would definently be able to hear it
2021-01-28 7:48 pm
I would expect it to vaporise our ears.
2021-01-28 6:11 pm
Only if you listen carefully.
2021-01-28 6:09 pm
Its certainly possible. The krakatoa eruption was heard thousands of miles away
2021-01-29 9:47 am
Yes and Joe Biden would have to sign Executive Order Number 41. "Create a special committee to investigate the disproportionate effect apocalyptic asteroids have on BIPOC and LGBTQ ".
2021-01-28 6:58 pm
Not necessarily. The Chicxulub or KT asteroid was only 10 kilometers or 6.217 miles in diameter. Th impact crater is about 110 miles miles. That is much smaller than the?Gulf of Mexico. In India the The hazards of the Deccan Traps were being erupted at the same time. Something similar was happening in Siberia. The sound of the impact probably would not have been heard half way around the world. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:11:12
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