*因為肺炎,人們的衛生意識提高* 翻譯成英文,緊急,有最佳,謝謝?

2021-01-28 12:54 pm

回答 (6)

2021-01-29 12:16 am

"因為肺炎" 是因為想要得到肺炎嗎?還是因為已經得到肺炎?還是因為想要研究肺炎呢?


Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the general public is more aware of personal hygiene.
People practice more personal hygiene to avoid COVID-19.
2021-02-24 9:44 pm
People have increased their health awareness because of the Covid-19.
2021-01-29 1:38 pm
Due to covid19 pandemic, people's general health awareness increases.
2021-02-07 12:56 pm
因為肺炎疫情使到人民對衛生的意識提高==Owing to the Novel coronavirus pandemic people ought to fully raise awareness.
2021-01-28 4:55 pm
Because of pneumonia, people’s hygiene awareness has increased.
2021-03-04 4:25 pm
@kin yip 的答案最佳,只需要稍微調整:
People have increased health awareness because of Covid-19。

have increased health awareness - 跟原本的中文最相符“人們的意識(被這個疫情)提高了”。如果添加their,它的意義變成了“人們提高了他們的衛生意識”,多了一個積極性,不太一樣。


也可以用due to代替because這個長字:

People have increased health awareness due to Covid-19。


Covid 19 has made people more conscious of their own hygiene.

如果喜歡用general public,正式一點兒:
Covid 19 has heightened the consciousness of the general public on hygiene.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:26:33
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