why doesn't my starter solenoid work on my snowmobile ?

2021-01-28 7:20 am
just bought a 2000 polaris indy 600. electric start only works sometimes but always works if i tap on the solenoid. so, obviously I should change the solenoid right...not so much. I had a new solenoid for a lawn tractor and I put it on. works exactly the same!!! so I tested the wires. The wire to activate the solenoid gets hot every time I turn the key. the wire from the battery is only 6 inch long and is hot of course. but the wire to the starter only gets hot when it wants to. I thought maybe it was a voltage issue so I got a wire and hooked it to the battery and touched that to the activation stud on the solenoid and that didn't activate it either. Am I missing something? I hate to just buy another solenoid if that's not going to work but I'm not sure what else to try.

回答 (3)

2021-01-28 9:13 pm
It is poorly grounded.
2021-01-28 9:46 am
I replaced a number of solenoids on my old muscle cars. They were plunger activated & it never occured to me to lubricate the plunger. I wonder if there is still a mechanical action needed or if it is all electronic now and internal rather than explosed to the elements like my old cars?

A similar comparison might illustrate by the example of old engine block mechanical fuel pumps vs. newer fuel tank mounted elecrically activated fuel pumps.

I admit that my knowledge is somewhat limited because I worked on 35 year old project cars for fun & profit and my initial response was limited to that. But I was struck by the similarities between what the question described and a problem I had with old Chrysler starters. I do have starting problems with select equipment in my powered business fleet of about 18 cars, (including 8 collector projects) trucks & groundskeeping equipment. I repair as I can but as my business grew got to the point I couldn't keep up and had to rely on outside help more.

However, the most common problem I see & repair is corrosion in the connections & that is the first thing I check.

If the batteries are no longer holding a charge I rebuild them myself for a couple of bucks worth of materials & 20 minutes work and save $120 or more on many batteries. I mention this because so many say replace, replace, replace when a $2.00 repair is all that is needed.
2021-01-28 12:45 pm
Charge and load test the battery.  Replace if battery checks bad on load test. Get a 12V test light.  Check load power, control power and control ground at the solenoid while trying to start with test light connected to battery negative.  Test light should light when load power and control power is touched and should NOT light when control ground is touched while trying to start.  Good luck.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:06:20
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