Show me the law or the ordinance that we are required to wear a mask?

2021-01-28 5:45 am
Dr. Fauci even said that masks don't work, that it doesn't stop covid. He's a hypocrite. He went from saying that masks don't work to saying to wear 2 masks lol smh and y'all gonna listen to him and be controlled like a slave and have fear when we have an immune system 


回答 (4)

2021-01-28 5:48 am
You should do your own research about the laws in your area.
2021-01-28 5:48 am
> Dr. Fauci even said that masks don't work, that it doesn't stop covid. He's a hypocrite.
No, he never said that. He said that masks do not provide "perfect protection" and that there may be "unintended consequences" (such as touching one's face more than normal). Did you even watch the video that you linked to?
Also, this was on March 8th, 2020 - towards the beginning of the pandemic in the United States. Changing your opinion with new data and observations to support your changed view does not make you a "hypocrite".
2021-01-28 5:57 am
In my city, no shirt, no shoes, no mask, no service. Like it or not.
2021-01-28 5:50 am
Dr. FAUX-chi has been wrong about everything from the beginning.

He's countered everything he put out at least once.

Look at the list of symptoms.  There's got to be over 1000 of them. 

Pneumonia is NOT that complicated.  Fooling the masses is.

The sad part is he's supposed to be the expert.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:10:40
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