Don't you think Valentine's day should be cancelled?

2021-01-27 4:06 pm
Oh great Valentine's day should be cancelled. It's so stupid. Not everyone gets to celebrate. Singles are left out. Couple's showing off

回答 (6)

2021-01-27 4:16 pm
Lol. Why can't single people celebrate it too? It's not restricted to couples. You can still have fun and use whatever discounts are around with a friend or a sibling or even just alone. Why should a international holiday be cancelled just because you're to obsessed about relationship statuses lmao
2021-02-05 7:37 am
Definitely. The only holiday worse than Valentine's Day is Halloween.
2021-02-12 2:18 am
Valentine's Day is not just about romantic love. 

There is love of God, love of self, love of family and friends, love of neighbors, love for enemies (yes), love of nature, love for humanity. 
I have never had a sweetheart, but I have celebrated all kinds of love on Valentine's Day, and I will do so again in 2021.  I have already ordered chocolate.  I will make or find a card to share electronically.  I hope the couples in love have fun. 

Happy Valentine's Day, you all! 
參考: image from Hallmark
2021-02-08 6:12 am
as a person in a relationship, yes. because we are in a pandemic. 
2021-02-07 3:09 am
No,if you are alone its because you want to be 
2021-01-27 6:19 pm
Might as well cancel it. No kissing, hugging, lovemaking.  Just face diapers and distancing.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:10:54
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