they took pains not to light on his head and get the pins in their feet怎譯?他們盡量不去輕碰撞在他的頭上和使別針在他們的腳上.?謝謝?

2021-01-25 7:16 pm

回答 (4)

2021-01-25 10:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這句話是在描述桃樂絲與她的朋友們從牆上跳下進入了china country的情景.

light on one's head與pins on one's feet要一起讀.他們的意思是:

頭冒金星 與 腳的刺痛 的意思.在美國話裡面,當你肚肚或是頭頭被踢一腳的時候,就說是"痛得頭冒金星".與這個相對應的是 當你自己從高處跳下來的時候腳很痛 就說 "痛得腳裡有針".


Of course, they took pains not to light on his head and get the pins in their feet.
2021-01-26 1:33 am
- light on = land or rest upon something
- take pains to do something = make great effort ...  盡力
- get pins (and needles) = To experience a tingling sensation ... 感到刺痛

They took pains not to light on his head and get the pins in their feet.
他們盡量避免跳落他的頭上, 不致令他們的腳感到麻林刺痛.
2021-01-26 1:17 pm
他們煞費苦心地不撞碰他的"one"頭上, 把撞針他般在"grade2"腳上

The translation from "Wizard of Oz" from E/C怎節譯:-
Doris "one2"他們煞费苦心
脚跟針刺痛 !!!
2021-01-25 7:17 pm
整句是They found the ladder so heavy they could not pull it up, so the Scarecrow fell off the wall and the others jumped down upon him so that the hard floor would not hurt their feet. Of course they took pains not to light on his head and get the pins in their feet

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