During the early years of WWII, did civilians in Axis countries show concern for civilians in cities that the Axis bombed?

2021-01-24 11:00 pm
When Germany bombed Polish, Dutch and British cities in 1939 to 1941, did any German or Italian civilians publicly express disagreement with aerial bombardment tactics?  

Surely come civilians, out of decency, didn’t want to see other civilians killed and beautiful cities leveled.  

And surely some civilians didn’t want Allies countries retaliating with large-scale bombardment of Germany and Italy.  Right?

回答 (26)

2021-01-25 1:19 am
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The early years would be 1939, 1940. Certainly some German civilians did show concern and care and same for Italy (although Italy really didn't bomb much). But it must be understood the civilians in Germany and Italy were constantly lied to by their dictatorships and were blocked from knowing what was going on outside their country, in the war, or even inside their country.
The Nazis in Germany, the Fascists in Italy were never elected never won a majority but took over anyway and once in power closed off all real news and only told the civilians lies. 
Most civilians are always decent people, but I'd guess even in 1939/40 only 15-20% of Germans even knew Warsaw was blown up or Rotterdam bombed unnecessarily. Instead the Nazis would tell them lies like 'Rotterdam surrendered happily and our troops were greeted with flowers'.  
To express disagreement...hardly anyone did. If you did, 1st you'd certainly lose your job and no one would hire you, then if you continued certain tortured to death in concentration camp.
2021-01-25 12:29 am
Publicly disagreeing with the Nazis generally resulted in a greatly reduced life expectancy.
2021-01-25 2:26 pm
The public for the most part did not know what was being done in their name. The attacks, and the later revenge weapons (V1, V2, and the V3 in preparation) were designed for no other purpose than to inflict the maximum indiscriminate civilian casualties. Any dissidents went the same way as the Jews.
2021-01-24 11:49 pm
there wasn't the source of information we have today , many were not aware of the things going on abroad till years later , their hands were full defending themselves
2021-01-25 1:10 am
"publicly express" not if they valued their life they didn't
2021-01-25 12:52 am
After Hitler bombed London we bombed Berlin there was a Rally where 100,000 people attended and Hitler ranted about dropping 500,000 kilograms of Bombs on London and everybody stood up and cheered

It was the Bombing of Antwerp that gave the RAF permission to bomb Nazi Civilians

Making the 50,000 German workers in Dresden Building Torpedoes Guns ammunition a Legal Target and sadly only 22,500 of these workers died

Apparently many believed it was their own Fault that civilians Got Bombed because the Polish army tried to defend their city in Warsaw

so why was Amsterdam Bombed there was No army
2021-01-26 3:34 am
Well if they said anything then they ran the high possibility of being either shot or hung by the SECRET POLICE which every country has including the U.S and being SECRET is not a problem as it really depends on where you principles live and whether or not you live by them not just say you do...

2021-01-25 2:49 pm
the V1 and the V2 were mainly used to destroy Civilian London 
2021-01-26 6:53 pm
Many citizens of the Axis were busy to survive the bomb attacks, especially of the British, who bombed them before they bombed the British.
Furthermore, concerns about civilians on the other side varied and depended on the individual. Some people had empathy and pitied the other side; others hated them and were in favor of bombing and again others did not care.
I know only that there were several Germans (whom I know personally) who were against the war from the very beginning.
2021-01-26 12:01 pm
A few did, but many didn't.  And Hitler and Mussolini didn't exactly bring the civilian population into their confidence when it came to discussing military strategy.
2021-01-26 3:24 am
You could count the ones who expressed concern on your fingers.  All of them were arrested, given quick trials and executed with lots of publicity.  Look it up.  Any German who publicly disagreed with anything the Nazi did was murdered by the SS. Every German knew that and kept their mouth shut.  You would keep your mouth shut too if it meant you and your family would be murdered.    The citizens of Allied nations wanted Germany and Japan turned into dust. 
2021-01-25 11:41 pm
the answer to that is basically no.
If you were German, or Italian, you didn't question what Hitler was doing, and you certainly were not getting full unbiased news about the war.
2021-01-25 3:46 pm
They talked about it in private mostly until...
2021-01-25 5:33 am
Imagine being in WW2. You know from newspapers and the radio that your country is at war. There are enemy planes flying over at night and bombing your city. You have to run to an air-raid shelter every time you hear the siren go. You see houses in your neighbourhood bombes and your neighbours killed under tons of debris on a nightly basis as German bombers fly over. You do not care about Germans civilians, because Germans are killing English civilians, and the only way to survive is for your country to kill more of them. 
If you are an airman, you are told where to fly your plane and where to drop your bombs before returning to base. 
There was no internet of television, no news reporters on the ground, and no debate going on. They bombed us and we bombed them. The aim was to win the war. 

The average person did not learn the complete history until years afterwards when it was all over. 
2021-01-25 5:52 am
yes and , they do that during wars , classic example is the english didnt care about bombing german civilians or america didnt mind bombing vietnam ... seems you know little about wars and there history do you ..
2021-01-28 12:10 am
After Hitler bombarded London we besieged Berlin there was a Rally where 100,000 individuals joined in and Hitler yelled about dropping 500,000 kilograms of Bombs on London and everyone stood up and cheered

It was the Bombing of Antwerp that allowed the RAF to bomb Nazi Civilians
Making the 50,000 German specialists in Dresden Building Torpedoes Guns ammo a Legal Target and unfortunately just 22,500 of these laborers passed on.
2021-01-27 11:52 pm
The German bombing of British cities by bombers call the "Blitz" began in Sept 1940 and ended in May 1941. The Allied bombing of German cites began at this time, night and day. Therefore I would have to say there was much civilian concern on both sides.

After 1941, Germany started to send "buzz bombs" ( V1 and V2 rockets) over to devastate British cities.
2021-01-27 2:43 pm
Japan, an Axis partner, occupied Dutch
facilities and lacking oil refining expertise
told civilians to resume resume production.
As Third Class Citizens.  Captured intact as
as it was a military objective to fuel a war of
conquest.  Brutal treatment of the civilians
did not furnish sufficient fuel needs.  The
citizens of Japan suffered from a so-called
Victory Disease.  After the first 100 days of 
significant territory conquest Japan would
begin seeking peace terms other than the
allied demand unconditional surrender.  
First seeking Second Class Citizens to
overthrow European rulers in Asia.  Second,
a Sweden-brokered peace agreement with
Soviet Russia. 
2021-01-27 7:11 am
Remember it was the Axis side which started\supported the war. Hitler ran an evil totalitarian state with a personality cult, dedicated to ruthless victory, &  possibly more so than the US and the UK, if that is possible. Anyone who ever expressed such a view would be sent to a camp as a political opponent.
  The Axis also knew it was war, and to expect tough retaliation.
2021-01-27 3:21 am
No.  None whatsoever.  Those people loved killing civilians.  
2021-01-26 8:44 pm
People only knew only what they were told,there was a lot of censorship and progragranda 
Populations were suppressed they were sanctions against any one speaking out.

There wasnt 24 hour 'as it happens' television or internet,news was much slower.

I believe that the majority of people are at heart  are decent and caring,and didnt want to be at war,but they are forced a distorted patronism, And like today are told a lot of 'fear stories'
2021-01-26 5:44 am
Some did and some didn't just like some Americans show concern for citizens in places that are bombed such as Iraq and those who don't have the capacity to care for innocent civilians who haven't done anything wrong don't.
2021-01-26 4:17 am
Some did, and they had the right to. Germany is a free country. Always has been, always will be.
None of that changes the fact that the war was a just one, and had our economy not been raped by the kike war mongers there would have been no war. 
2021-01-28 10:18 am
Chemical Weapons were unleased in WWI. Germany had a King at the time. The horrible torture machine of WWII is the product of violent reactions to self-serving monarchists that systemically enslaved their populations through religious and political indoctrination. 
2021-01-25 12:52 pm
Yes, they were quickly identified and put on watchlists. Some were called mentally defective, others were imprisoned and some murdered extrajudicially.

Adherence to popular authority was absent rights although adherence to rules changed to a more sinister oblivion. Fairy tale was guaranteed for learning to look the other way-- a reward system.

Conspiracy theorists were considered unqualified philosophers. 
2021-01-25 4:06 pm
 Highly doubt there was much concern during this war zxjqk
 . . . . . . . . . .

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