Any other center-right people relieved at Donald Trump being gone and replaced by a nicer president?

2021-01-24 1:05 am
Joe Biden’s policies so far seem pretty left-wing, and I did not vote for him; I voted Libertarian.  But I’m relieved to have a president and First Lady who, for a change, seem like decent and nice enough people.

Anyone else who is a center-right voter and who is also relieved that Trump is gone and replaced by a nicer person as president?

回答 (3)

2021-01-24 1:08 am
US troops back in Syria apparently to protect nearby oilfields.
2021-01-24 1:14 am
Trump was a pompous Arsse and embarrassment.   Biden is without a doubt nicer, but Biden’s policies will have terrible consequences. He’s already shown he’s not moderate as he pretended, very, very progressive.    
2021-01-24 1:09 am
When I was in the service I learned one very important aspect about leadership:

You can come into command as a lion then become a lamb, but you can't come into command as a lamb and become a lion.

Lambs can't roar and get slaughtered fairly quickly.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:12:11
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