Why are dogs so much fun?

2021-01-24 12:21 am

回答 (10)

2021-01-24 3:25 am
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You will never find a more loving and loyal friend and companion, than you do with a dog. A dog loves you unconditionally, accepts you just the way you are and never judges you. They are very calming and consoling, when you are upset about something that has happened in your life. They are always right by your side. A dog will never let you down. All they want is to be loved and properly cared and provided for, in every way. A dog is always your best friend.
2021-01-24 5:27 am
they love interracting with their owners.
2021-01-24 3:52 am
The dogs are really so loyal and dogs have innocent mind,and dogs play with human,and they are so funny too
2021-01-24 12:40 am
Dogs tend to be playful and in a good mood, most of the time and dogs are NON-JUDGEMENTAL.
2021-01-24 2:18 am
 because theyre the truest friend mankind will ever have
參考: they tell and show people only the truth.
2021-01-24 12:23 am
Because they can slide across the carpet on their butt.
2021-01-24 10:27 am
theyre not, two years ago, a dog attacked my cat and tore open my cats back, my brother gasped, took a baseball bat, chased the dog and bashed it's head till it died.

My cat is still alive today, he was just seriously injured and almost died. I'm just glad he's ok. But ever since then, my cat has been chasing dogs when they bark at him.,,
2021-01-24 9:07 pm
No they are not. They are just stupid.

YouTube cat island to see how real animals behave.
2021-01-24 2:08 am

I think this kinda explains it all.  I love this.
2021-01-24 6:04 am
It's fun when my pitties and bullies kill other folks dogs. Makes me feel awesome thanks. Be tough get a pit.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:10:44
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