Is it a crime to be a white man?

2021-01-22 4:34 am
Do you believe it is a crime to be a white man, and if so,Why?

回答 (6)

2021-01-22 4:36 am
Only if the white man is a literal criminal.  Why do I get the feeling you're an "incel" who asks leading questions in the "Gender Studies" section?
2021-01-22 4:44 am
It is not a crime.
2021-01-22 4:36 am
No...................................  I DO think asking foolish questions on Yahoo is a crime.
2021-01-22 5:56 am
No.  It is no more a crime to be a white man that it is to be any other kind of human (male/female, black/white/asian/etc, gay/straight/trans/etc).

That said - there are a great many that certainly seem like they want it to be so.  Seems every other PC-driven classification and protected all other forms of humanity except white men.   One might successfully argue that white men are the last acceptable class to freely and safely descriminate against.
2021-01-22 5:07 am
Crime in America is defined not by the outward appearance of a person, but by the inner nature that makes them decide to do or not do certain things.  If you are a white man who follows the Constitution and the rest of our laws, you cannot be called a criminal.  But if you are a white man or a person of color who violates the Constitution and engages in Insurrection, you are a Criminal of the Basest Order. 
2021-01-22 5:03 am
Obviously not. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:09:43
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