Are there vehicles matching what I'm interested in?

2021-01-20 3:33 pm
I'm curious that are there cars that match what I like, since I'm not all that knowledgeable about cars. I myself wouldn't know where to start.

Are there car's that has the 30s or 40s style kind of design, but with a modern twist on the inside. That's 4 doors. 

In general I like the exterior car designs of old cars, but with modern equipment. 

回答 (2)

2021-02-25 11:49 pm
Detroit automotive locksmith from
2021-01-21 7:14 am
If you have the money they can be found. There are several shops that build such cars such as this one:
If you don't have to have one ready to drive, lots of money and time- the parts are out there to roll your own.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:12:58
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