Y varies directly as the cube root of x.if x =27,then y=2?

2021-01-20 10:11 am

回答 (3)

2021-01-20 11:50 am
y varies directly with the cube root not the cube as one answer indicated 
it means if c is a constant. 

y =  cx^(1/3)   
2 = c(27)^(1/3) =  3c 
c =  2/3  
means this is the equation,  
y = (2/3)x^(1/3)     
y = (2/3) (27)^(1/3) = (2/3)(3)  =2  

So you forgot to ask a question. 
so the equation is 
y = (2/3)x^(1/3)    or write it with cube root radical (which 
is easier with Paper and pencil. 

Now, add a question to your question
so it can be answered. 

Statement:  Y varies directly as the cube root of x 
Statement:  If x = 27,   then y = 2 
Now add a question if you want. 
2021-01-20 10:56 am
Y varies directly as the cube root of x
y = k * (cube root of x) , with constant k ≠ 0
2021-01-20 10:57 am
Translate the sentence into:
y=cx^3 where c is a nonzero real constant.

Sub x=27, y=2:
2=c(27)^3 => c=2/(27^3)

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:33:17
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