Strange cold-like symptoms any explanation?

2021-01-18 10:22 am
Hey everyone so for the past few weeks I've been on and off health wise and recently my symptoms don't make much sense to me. I am 20 years old when I wake up in the morning my symptoms are absent for the most part besides just feeling off. However, when night comes muscle aches become really intense and I have gotten a fever the past two nights which last from around 8pm to 2-3 am. I can't explain what this is any ideas would be appreciated.

could it be homesickness from college since I haven't been very well since I returned or maybe even a sti?

回答 (2)

2021-01-19 4:59 am
We are in a freakin pandemic still so i say get tested for COVID-19 as anything is considered a symptom these days.


From what i hear anyway

That as well as see a doctor if its not that and of course do not go out in public until your sure you know what your dealing with.
2021-01-18 10:35 am
maybe you should go see your doctor about it

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:09:16
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