請問用C++怎麼寫出finite state machine minimization 的程式?
如題,我想打出可以輸入想要的finite state machine(未化簡)數量,還要輸入input和output的數量,和需要列出全部的state,和state table,並且所有輸入和輸出都是從txt檔匯入,請問該怎麼做,如果可以,請告訴我程式碼會比較容易理解
回答 (2)
An FSM can be defined as a list of state transition rules in the following format:
StateX InputY OutputZ StateA
InputY belongs to a finite set of alphabets; and
StateX StateA belong to a finite set of states; and
There is no duplicate rules with the same <StateX, InputY>
using namespace std;
struct Rule{
string state;
string inout;
Rule(const decltype(state)&s, const decltype(inout)&i):
bool operator()(const Rule&a, const Rule&b) const {
return a.state != b.state
? a.state > b.state
: a.inout > b.inout;
map<Rule,Rule,Rule> *readFSM(
string fileName
ifstream ifile(fileName);
decltype(Rule::state) st0, st1;
decltype(Rule::inout) in0, out1;
auto*ret = new map<Rule,Rule,Rule>();
auto stLen = st0.length(), alLen = in0.length();
; ifile >> st0 >> in0 >> out1 >> st1
Rule r0(st0, in0);
if(st0.length() > stLen) stLen = st0.length();
if(in0.length() > alLen) alLen = in0.length();
if(ret->find(r0) == ret->end()){
(*ret)[r0] = Rule(st1,out1);
if(st1 .length() > stLen) stLen = st1.length();
if(out1.length() > alLen) alLen = out1.length();
if(stLen+alLen >= MinLen) MinLen = stLen+alLen+1;
return ret;
int main(
int argc,
cout << "FSM is defined in file: " << argv[1] << endl;
cout << "state transition run input is in file: " << argv[2] << endl << endl;
map<decltype(Rule::state), int> stateMap;
map<decltype(Rule::inout), int> alphaMap;
for(auto&kk: *fsm){
if(stateMap.find(kk.first.state) == stateMap.end())
stateMap[kk.first.state] = 1;
if(alphaMap.find(kk.first.inout) == alphaMap.end())
alphaMap[kk.first.inout] = 1;
// print states
cout << "State count: " << stateMap.size() << endl;
for(auto&ss: stateMap) cout << "State: " << ss.first << " " << ss.second << endl;
cout << endl;
// print alphabets
cout << "Alphabet count: " << alphaMap.size() << endl;
for(auto&ss: alphaMap) cout << "Alpha: " << ss.first << " " << ss.second << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "State Table" << endl;
cout << setw(MinLen+2) << "State/input";
for(auto&x: alphaMap) cout << setw(MinLen+2) << x.first;
cout << endl;
for(auto&s: stateMap){
cout << setw(MinLen+2) << s.first;
for(auto i: alphaMap){
auto r0{Rule(s.first, i.first)};
auto it = fsm->find(r0);
decltype(r0.state) s0{"<"};
if(it != fsm->end()) s0 += it->second.inout + "/" + it->second.state;
s0 += ">";
cout << setw(MinLen+2) << s0;
cout << endl;
ifstream run(argv[2]);
decltype(Rule::state) st0;
decltype(Rule::inout) in0;
cout << "State transitions: " << endl;
for( run >> st0
; run >> in0
; ){
auto it = fsm->find(Rule(st0,in0));
if(it != fsm->end())
cout << "@state=" << st0 << " input " << in0 << " output " << it->second.inout
<< " and transit to state " << (st0 = it->second.state) << endl;
cout << "@state=" << st0 << " received bad input " << in0 << ". Action/transition undefined."
<< endl;
cout << endl << endl << "The final state is " << st0 << endl;
if(fsm) delete fsm, fsm = NULL;
return 0;
$ g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -O3 fsm.cpp -o fsm
$ ./fsm FSM.txt RUN.txt
FSM file is
FSM.txtinput file is RUN.txt
State count: 3
State: state0 2
State: state1 1
State: state2 2
Alphabet count: 2
Alpha: a 3
Alpha: b 2
State Table
State/input a b
state0 <A/state1> <B/state2>
state1 <a/state2> <>
state2 <X/state2> <X/state2>
State transitions:
@state=state2 input a output X and transit to state state2
@state=state2 input a output X and transit to state state2
@state=state2 input b output X and transit to state state2
@state=state2 input b output X and transit to state state2
@state=state2 input b output X and transit to state state2
@state=state2 input a output X and transit to state state2
@state=state2 input b output X and transit to state state2
@state=state2 input a output X and transit to state state2
Qstate=state2 received bad input C. Action/transition undefined.
@state=state2 input a output X and transit to state state2
The final state is state2
收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:26:36
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