Can I get a provisional driver's license on behalf of someone else?

2021-01-16 8:01 am
Hi! I'm wanting to buy a provisional driver's license for someone. I have all their details but don't know if it's legal? Thanks!

Also I'm UK based.


Obs I can't award best answer with a comment anymore... some of you are RUDE! I was simply asking to get my boyfriend a nice present and thought that would be a lovely idea- hence why I ASKED! Some of you need to learn manners!

回答 (9)

2021-01-16 9:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
How stupid are you?
2021-01-16 8:15 am
No, it's not legal.  Very not-legal, in fact.
2021-01-16 10:47 pm
Are you serious?
No twiggy, you cannot get a provisional license for someone else.

They walk among us and worse, they breed.
2021-01-16 8:43 am
One would think the answer is self evident
2021-01-16 8:12 am
No, you cannot. 
2021-01-17 1:06 pm
Nope.  Enjoy your time in prison.
2021-01-17 8:54 am
HMMM...Let's think about it. Shall we? Why can't they get their own provisional license? Was it revoked? No, I don't think the authorities will like that. Do you? That's called Aiding & Abetting. You both know it's a crime.
2021-01-21 2:02 am
No.  Once you apply for this - it states your name only.  If someone else, wants to get a Driver's License - the he or she must get it themselves.
2021-01-17 9:34 pm
If ALL of the application details are for the genuine applicant, and if the genuine applicant signs the application, then DVLA couldn’t care less who actually PAYS for the application. 

It also does not matter if you fill in the form for the applicant: as long as the applicant knows exactly what you’re doing and check the entries you have made before signing the application then it’s all good.

Obviously, any photos submitted must also be true likenesses of the applicant. (True likeness = recent photo clearly recognisable as being the applicant).

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:10:02
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