Worked for someone for 2 days, it's under $600 why does he want my social security number?

2021-01-15 10:09 pm
I worked for this guy for two days. I made under $600 so its not taxable correct? Why does he want my social security number? This guy is a real prick and I don't trust him. Hopefully I don't need to take him to court.... I live in MA.
I told him that I dont want taxes taken out.

回答 (20)

2021-01-15 10:25 pm
" I made under $600 so its not taxable correct?"  That is incorrect.  He doesn't have to send you a 1099-NEC for that reason, but it is taxable income to you. 

"Why does he want my social security number?"  Companies must complete an annual "audit" for their Workers Compensation Insurance carrier.  The audit is used by the insurance company to determine the exact policy premium for the year.  Subcontractors must be listed on the audit, as well as any employees.

Of course, the above information assumes you are a subcontractor.  If you are an employee, the employer must send you a W-2 even if you only earn $1. 
2021-01-16 2:21 am
It is taxable whether or not the person issues you a 1099. Any self employment income must be reported.  If you were any employee and he has to issue you a W2, you MUST supply your SSN.  Personally, I don't pay people until they fill out the proper paperwork.
2021-01-17 3:58 am
The Federal Law Demands that he has it so U pay the Social Security Tax, and Income Tax on what he pays you. If he does not he can be arrested, and it also proves you have a green card or that you belong here and are aloud to work here!
2021-01-16 7:53 am
By law he has to report the information of each employee to the state. 
2021-01-16 1:12 pm
To begin with, it is available. The $600 decide that you've severely misjudged is that on the off chance that you were a self employed entity AND made under $600, at that point he doesn't need to educate the public authority regarding it himself, yet you are as yet needed to report it yourself, and you should pay charge on it.

Second, on the off chance that you are a representative, at that point he needs to report it himself, regardless of whether it is under $600. Likewise, on the off chance that you are a worker, at that point it is illegal for him to pay you without getting it. Furthermore, in the event that you are a worker, it is illegal for him to pay you without taking out charges. 
2021-01-22 1:31 am
If it was cash............then he does not need your SS#.  If you filled out a W-4.........then Social Security and Medicare will be deducted..........and he needs your SS# for this.
2021-01-16 3:12 am
No. not correct.  give him the number.  Take him to court?  For what?
2021-01-17 10:07 am
The IRS requires that he be given your Social Security # as he is required by law to withhold income taxes from your paycheck and submit them to the IRS and he needs your # to do this. You are required to give him the #.
2021-01-18 1:27 am
You don't need to give him your social security number if you made less than $600 as an independent contractor.  The worst that can happen is that he won't hire you to do anymore contract work.  This is no big deal as you don't trust him anyway.  If your cumulative self employed income is more than $600, report this income and pay your tax to IRS and you are legally sound.
2021-01-16 11:33 am
maybe because you didnt earn enough for tax , after all it  was only 2 days , and yes he had no workers compensation insurance on you either ..seems you love money dont you , he got rid of a crappy worker cost more than its worth , wow 2 days of work , big deal .

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 14:29:17
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