What do "billet" and "strip" mean?

2021-01-15 8:00 am
The article talks about how much a ton billet and strip are sold at. 

回答 (2)

2021-01-15 8:06 am
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If you buy metal, it comes in various forms.  Billet and strip are two of those forms.  Billets are extruded, softening the metal with heat and then forcing it through a hole (called a 'die') to produce a bar.  Strip is metal rolled into flat bars of consistent thickness.  They're used for different purposes in machining and manufacturing.
2021-01-15 8:03 am
You haven't provided enough context for anyone to be able to answer this question definitively for you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 00:51:20
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