What did people believe in before your religion was invented and spread slowly to the rest of the world some 1400 years later?

2021-01-12 3:43 pm

回答 (8)

2021-01-12 11:34 pm
"your religion" - so you assume every Yahoo user believes in the same religion, do you.  Interesting.  Do you think every Yahoo user also believes in ghosts or fairies?
2021-01-12 10:34 pm
Other superstitious nonsense, probably.
2021-01-13 1:03 pm
Only the Catholic Church has the fullness of truth and a person can know this with certainty by reciting the rosary of the Virgin Mary every day with care and sincerity.  Before Jesus Christ established the Catholic Church Judaism was the One True Faith, and its logical progression was into Catholicism.
2021-01-12 3:56 pm
Tertullian, one of the early Christians wrote:

“We are not a new philosophy but a divine revelation. That’s why you can’t just exterminate us; the more you kill the more we are. The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.”

The Romans wanted the Christians to be “good citizens” and offer tribute to the false gods. So, by their logic, they figured making an example of Christians by executing them would dissuade others from becoming Christian. But as Tertullian pointed out, the number of Christians only increased as they were killed.  The witness of the martyrs made people wonder why the Christians would put their lives on the line, all for not offering a pinch of salt to the pagan God Zeus. So we can truly say that the blood of those that died for Christ gave birth to even more Christians. For every person the Romans killed, at least two would be converted to Christianity 

2021-01-12 6:38 pm
Islam is the only religion of GOD, send down for all mankind of all generations, from the beginning till the end of time. So , in Islam , Adam is the first prophet of GOD and Muhammad is the last prophet of GOD , there were the prophets of GOD , totaling to 124,000 , out of these, there were 313 Messengers of GOD ,whom GOD send down HIS Holy Scriptures to them ,altogether 104 Holy Books and being mentioned by names in Al Quran, four of them; Torah for Mosses , Psalms or Sabur for David , Injeel or Bible for Jesus and Al Quran for Muhammad (May GOD be pleased with them all) . This can be said that ,apart from Islam, the only religion of GOD , all others religions then being created by the human hands. So ,Islam of the last generation of mankind then being Preached by Prophet Muhammad (SAL) , the last Prophet of GOD. up till now around 1400 years. To conclude , the only religion of GOD ,continue from  Adam up till Muhmmad (May GOD be pleased with them all ), lasted up till now around 12,000 years. Can any one on earth , relate this truth by mentioning any others religions that being created by the human hands, having complete system of believe, the same as of Islam ,the only religion of GOD.
參考: Michael H, Hart.
2021-01-12 4:21 pm
Don't say invented but inspired. and also don't say before religion because God asserted in Quran that every nations have received a messenger to..."and there never was a people, without a warner having lived among them (in the past)."  
2021-01-12 6:57 pm
People have worshipped our God, the almighty creator since the very beginning. Early Bible records show that Abel, the son of Adam and Eve faithfully worshiped God and offered sacrifices to Him. (Hebrews 11:4 )

The first prophecy about Jesus, the offspring that would bring salvation to humankind and destroy the Devil was pronounced in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:15). Later the Bible revealed that the savior or Messiah would be born to the offspring of God's faithful servant Abraham, the Jews (Genesis 22:17, 18).

The Jewish people continued to worship the one true God throughout history and "were in expectation" (Luke 3:15, Luke 2:36-38; Ex. 13:12) eagerly awaiting the promised Messiah until he arrived and established Christianity.
2021-01-12 3:58 pm
The Jews have always believed in God Almighty, our Creator and Maker.  However, there were many folks who believed in false gods, elephant gods, monkey gods, holy cows who had gods in them, and folks who worshipped stone statues, dead things that could not help them., folks who worshipped Baal instead of the living God of the universe and many other things.

That's the very reason why Elijah showed who the living God of the universe was, by taking stones to build a trench and putting loads of wood in it, then absolutely saturating all the wood with water, so that it couldn't possibly burn nd putting a bullock on the altar and then permitting the Baal worshippers to go first and IF THEY COULD, to get their gods to wake up and consume the bullock.

The pagans and Baal worshippers did everything they could - yelling and screaming at their gods, calling them, ringing bells to wake them up and they even cut themselves with KNIVES AND LANCETS UNTIL THE BLOOD GUSHED OUT OF THEM but there was neither VOICE NOR RESPONSE NOR ANSWER TO ANY OF THEIR CRIES.  They did all sorts but NOTHING HAPPENED.

So when the time was right, Elijah just SAID to God,

"O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that YOU ARE THE LORD GOD and that YOU have turned their hearts back again.  Then the fire fell and consumed THE BURNT SACRIFICE, AND THE WOOD AND THE STONES AND THE DUST AND LICKED UP THE WATER THAT WAS IN THE TRENCH." (1 Kings 18:37 &38)

And when all the people saw that, they FELL ON THEIR FACES, and they said, "The Lord, HE IS THE GOD.  The Lord HE IS THE GOD" (1 Kings 18: 39 etc

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