Why was Trump more upset that Capitol mob looked ‘low class’ than about violent attacks? Its obvious his base IS low class.?

2021-01-11 6:09 am

回答 (6)

2021-01-11 6:14 am
Trump wasn't upset, It's reported he LAUGHED as he watched the riot. The only mistake those people made was listening to and BELIEVING Trumps BS - as many did in the first place when they voted him in. And now Trump will get the exit he rightfully deserves/has EARNED as Congress build up speed to impeach him before Biden's inauguration.
2021-01-11 6:19 am
Trump doesn't care about the US, he cares about his image.  Donny thinks he's a high class, sophisticated,  cosmopolitan millionaire, with a golden toilet to prove it
2021-01-11 6:14 am
These idiot tRumptards don't want you to believe your lying eyes.  Of course the base is low class.
2021-01-11 6:12 am
Actually according to exit polls, those making more 100k a year voted Trump, if we're strictly talking about social class here.

" Voters from wealthy households swung further towards Mr Trump in 2020. Just over half of those whose family income was more than $100,000 a year supported the president."

2021-01-11 6:11 am
His base is half the country and made up of all races and walks of life. So you’re a racist and “phobe” in every sense. 
2021-01-11 6:17 am
Stop watching fake news.                  

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:09:00
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