Is ok for 27 year old guy tell 16 year girl she look very sexy for her age?

2021-01-11 3:24 am

I just notice this girl lives next me in Queens NYC gotten very sexy lately taking telling her that we are friends


Anonymous who Spider-Man? Thant fictional character and no I am not Autistic.


This girl goes same High School I did in Queens her family friends with mine she oldest in her family she has 2 sister 1 brother who  the second oldest she the oldest.


Gino 16 young I am hesitant about dating her because she 11 years younger than me.

回答 (100)

2021-01-15 3:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
i dont view anything morally wrong with it as long as your intentions are out of love and admiration for her, not manipulation and sex. relationships with these age gaps are rare and normally predatory, but sometimes they are truely loving and they end up married. i really think the bad intentions of the older man with the power are what determine if its healthy or toxic. look and examine your intentions, if theyre true go for it.

also be wary that depending where you live this could be an illegal relationship, and if her parents arent cool about her sating older dudes you could get jailed, which i think is the main issue. its natural for people of these ages to love eachother, but young girls are easily manipulated so there has to be laws in place to protect them from real predators. age of consent is a very murky area that is complex. i could go on but im ranting.
2021-01-12 7:25 am
Grow the heck up. You are considered an adult. A grown man. 
She is a child. A kid in high school. 
That she has siblings is immaterial. As is where she lives and what high school she went to.
None of it makes it right.
Leave her the heck alone.
2021-01-12 11:11 am
Way too young for you!!! I am 23 and I wouldn't even date someone that age! Why? 1. that is a minor (child, adolescent), 2. they are not that mature. 3. that is just wrong, and disgusting!!!
2021-01-12 6:13 am
Is that you Christian? Stop flirting with underage girls. Just wait and in time you will find the right woman who loves you and all your flaws.
2021-01-13 6:39 am
Its not okay. She is 16, which means she is still a kid in high school. Maybe you should wait until she is no longer in high school when she is 18.
2021-01-14 4:12 am
The 27 year old could be asking for big trouble by telling her that, at sixteen she is pretty not sexy!  Such a remark good lead to HYPE BIG TROUBLE IN THE TEEPEE!
2021-01-15 5:56 am
You should call your local police station and ask them that
2021-01-12 8:19 am
That's not creepy at all....
2021-01-16 6:34 am
I think you shouldn't because she is pretty young and in fact when your that young sometimes you think your in love but your not. Also its best not to start any drama with her family and get someone around your age that you actually have a connection to
2021-01-14 6:59 am
Saying that is one thing. Actually trying to meet her and date her is another. I hope you like jail if you like teenagers because you are going to get into trouble. The Senator in NY Anthony Weiner got 2 years in state prison for sending a nude photo to a minor.
2021-01-13 6:10 am
She is a minor and will be for five more years, you are an adult and have been for six years. Stay away from her.
In NY, you can legally have sex with her when she turns 17. Until then, don't think about that, but 17 is still too young. No reason why it shouldn't be 21. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:40:50
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