Does God have a way of making ppl cross our minds at a certain time? My old friend popped into my mind night before last, not knowing I'd..?

2021-01-10 1:41 pm
I was trying to fall asleep Thurs night and an old friend who I met when I was in 2nd grade and she was in Kindergarten crossed my mind and it wasn't just a random thought, it was a deep thought I couldn't shake about how she got on our nerves so bad on our trip to Atlanta back in Jan 2003 and I was trying to stop thinking about it. She's always been spoiled, rude, and down right mean even to her own parents since I met her.we became friends through our parents and my bro and her sis went to high school together. Anyway, we had another falling out after my wedding in August 2014 and I never heard from her again, but had seen her parents many times since then. Anyway less than 9 hours later, I'm sitting w/ my mom as she's reading the obituary section and she reads out my friend's father's name and age and looked at me and my dad and asked us if we thought that was him. We said no and we didn't think he was 75 and his picture or anything about his life was mentioned just his name and age. I told my parents about the thought I couldn't shake about my friend the night before and then that kind of scared me and I looked on her brother's fb page and turns out it was my friend's (who I hadn't talked to in over 6 years) father. It was like God embedded the trip we took back in high school in my mind and how rude she was to us in my mind for a reason and the reason was to let me know she was hurting.I called her last night after 6 yrs. We made peace w each other.

回答 (2)

2021-01-10 1:46 pm
You need to get laid, Jessica.
2021-01-10 3:22 pm
This is just one of the many reasons "testimony" and ""personal experience" are not considered as evidence.  

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:17:59
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