Isn't Trump an immediate situation to not only remove him from office, but arrest him and try him for treason?

2021-01-08 5:25 am
In my memory the last big domestic terrorist who blew up and destroyed the Federal building in Oklahoma City killing over 300 people in or around 1995, Tim McVeigh, was found 2 days later. He was tried for treason and sentenced to death.

回答 (5)

2021-01-08 5:28 am
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Yes, yes, and HELL YES.
2021-01-08 5:35 am
There are 15 year-old gang-bangers walking the streets of Chicago and they're strapped. Most of us have more immediate threats. 
2021-01-08 5:32 am
If you think that Trump is bad, just wait for the damage Biden and his liberal gang are going to inflict.   
2021-01-08 5:28 am
no..... it's to shriek about trump and to spew as much trump hate as possible while there's still time in his term to prevent people from talking about Joe Biden.....let alone what he has represented in politics for five decades....

..... you remember Joe Biden...... don't you?
2021-01-08 5:31 am
Liberal insanity.   Obsession, hate, and yes distraction from what’s really going on. Liberal indoctrination and brainwashing has been a great success along with their tactic of dumbing down society.  He11, this country is ripe for a takeover, thank you libs.  

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:15:37
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