Why is that when the President endorses two drugs that have been used for over 60 years it is called "dangerous misinformation"?

2021-01-08 3:46 am
But when Bill Gates endorses a population control vaccine it is called "fact"

@scott b so overnight some asshole that knows how to develop software is suddenly a formidable expert on medication but the POTUS who is surrounded by the most confidate medical officals in the world knows jackshit?


I see Bill Gates has his bastardss on YA too...


See previous uodate...


You people are so retarded that you do not understand sarcasm? Sad...

回答 (5)

2021-01-08 3:48 am
Because one is dangerous misinformation based on ignorance, and the other is a fact based on years and years of experience.
2021-01-08 4:04 am
The difference is their credibility. Trump is a chronic, habitual liar who just yesterday tried to incite an insurrection against the United States, while Bill Gates has a track record of truth and runs the world's largest charity (The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation).
2021-01-15 5:34 am
Like that time he endorsed injecting Bleach into the bloodstream?

Judging by what a deranged, pathetic, brainless individual you are, I'd say it's clear you followed that advice from him.
2021-01-09 3:37 am
It is because trump is a moron. Understand now simpleton?
2021-01-08 4:31 am
Antibiotics have been around for a lot longer but nobody who knew anything about medicine would prescribe them for a cold. Antibiotics (for those of you who don't know) attack bacteria; colds are caused by viruses. Not only do the drugs partially owned by the Trump family not help, they have a record of DEcreasing survival in COVID-19 patients. In contrast, the vaccines have been tested and found effective.

As regards your comment to scott b, Trump has access to good virologists and epidemiologists but never takes their advice. How many times has he followed a presentation by Dr Fauci by saying just the opposite. Trump has delusions of adequacy and, to use your expression, does NOT know jackshit.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:10:42
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