Isn't counting the electoral votes boring? And how pathetic the handful of Rep. Senators are that they still fight for Trump and object?

2021-01-07 1:33 pm
Given their own attempted to over throw the government with Trumps encouragement and guidance.They should have been removed from the Senate on the spot and be shot for treason.

Our government is nothing but pomp and  cir-***-assed.

回答 (4)

2021-01-07 1:38 pm
They should charge each and every  person with Treason  and sedition and strip them of their offices, immediately........

every last idiot that is still contesting the fair election. 
2021-01-07 1:38 pm
These Republicans who support Trump's lunacy must be voted out of office. Your way sounds good too. 
2021-01-07 1:38 pm
I'm watching it. It's been fun to watch these senators be forced to withdraw their objections or get shot down because they didn't have the proper signatures. Maybe that oversight is an attempt to hold trump accountable. Make it look like a mistake and he won't be so pissed off.
2021-01-07 1:43 pm
 The certificate of the electoral vote of the state of XYZ seems to be regular in form and authentic. It appears, therefore, ...

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