Maths problem, how to do (b), thanks?

2021-01-07 10:38 am

回答 (1)

2021-01-07 2:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
[First analyze the statement to be proved.]
BE² = AC × DC - EC²
⇔ BE² + EC² = AC × DC
Here the left-hand side is actually BC² by Pythagoras theorem.

Therefore, we are actually asked to prove
EC² = AC × DC,
then it is a clear similar triangle setting.

[The above is the thinking process. Then we proceed to show the work.]

From (a), it is proved that ΔABC ~ ΔBDC.
AC/BC = BC/DC (corr. sides, ~Δs)
BC² = AC × DC
BE² + EC² = AC × DC (Pyth. thm.)
BE² = AC × DC - EC²

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