Hi Sandy, we would like to give Sonia a gifts and congratulations for you having a new home with her ?
what does she need in your new house?
回答 (2)
Hi Sandy, we would like to give Sonia a gifts (X) and congratulations for you having a new home with her (X)
1. a gifts -> a gift
2. congratulations for you having ... -> you congratulations for your new home.
what does she (X) need in your new house?
3. does she -> do you
Personal Possessive Case:-
Pronoun Case Possessive Adjective=your(NOT you)
Pronoun Case Objective=her(Objective Case)
(Q&A):-Hi Sandy, we would like to give Sonia a gift(singular) and congruation for (your=pronoun Sandy, not Sonia)
having a new home with her(=pronoun Sonia,not Sandy---a noun clause; repeat a noun clause);
What does she need in (her=Sonia,not Sandy as object)
new home(not house---match and suitable with each other; home=home)
收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:25:51
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