Did Trump turn you into a political person.?

2021-01-06 3:37 am
Notice a lot more people who never cared seem to always have something to say now.

Ihaveqs2 best answer but one less star because not sure if the reference of getting involved was directed to me because I have been for a long time.

回答 (4)

2021-01-06 4:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
No, I have always been involved in politics.   But, I am very glad to see others get up off their couches and get involved.  If you don’t get involved, then stop complaining.  
參考: website>> Nationalpopularvotedotcom
2021-01-06 3:56 am
No, I've been following politics (not assiduously though) since the Carter/Reagan election.  I've been following more closely during this administration, but still nowhere near what an expert does.
2021-01-06 3:44 am
No. I started getting into politics decades ago after I started listneing to NPR's "Political Junkie".
2021-01-06 3:42 am
The military industrial complex connected media of CNN MSNC ABC CBS NBC (and Fox News) brainwashed people into thinking that the most anti-war President in modern times who didnt get the US involved in new wars and came closest to peace with North Korea is a racist who colluded with Russia. The MIC connected media supported Biden who voted for the Uni-Party Iraq war, wanted the Uni-Party Syria war, and was supported by the warmongering con establishment.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:14:14
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