Is Northern Ireland still part of the UK?

2021-01-02 9:39 pm

回答 (20)

2021-01-02 9:40 pm
Yes. Northern Ireland being part of the UK is a huge part of why Brexit has been such a nightmare to work out. Ireland remaining in the EU and Northern Ireland Brexiting from the EU is turning out to be a legal and logistical nightmare because there is no infrastructure to regulate the border they share.                                       
2021-01-04 12:52 pm
Yes, Northern Ireland is still part of the United Kingdom. 
2021-01-02 10:02 pm
Yes Northern Ireland is part of the UK, although the 'EU deal' means that Northern Ireland still has to live under many of the EU laws ( and UK laws too) to enable the border between ROI and NI to remain as they are now and means there are now custom requirements between Britain and NI..
2021-01-18 4:23 pm
Yes, it is. A simple google search would have told you this.
2021-01-04 7:34 am
Yes, it is.                          
2021-01-11 9:06 pm
Yeap. Though maybe for not much longer if Scotland decides to break up the union. Or if Westminster finally realises that the North is more of a financial burden than financial gain. And then decides to consider letting the North go. 
2021-01-11 10:45 am
British then, British now, British forever 
2021-01-05 7:44 am
Yes, it is. A simple google search would have told you this. 
2021-01-04 8:05 pm
The rest of Ireland (6 counties) was to become Northern Ireland, which was still part of the United Kingdom although it had its own Parliament in Belfast. ... Ireland became a republic in 1949 and Northern Ireland remains part of the United Kingdom.
2021-02-27 7:15 am
Yes but in 10 years it be free with the rest of Ireland Ulster Protestants are starting realise they are  Irish all along like in the United Irishmen rebellion 1798.
2021-01-16 11:35 pm
Yes hopefully it stay part of the Uk during the COVID 19 pandemic ROI doesn't want the extra cost now.
2021-01-05 1:35 am
For now, yes....
2021-01-04 6:03 pm
At present yes. It is possible its constitutional status may change in the future because of the problems caused by Brexit and the resultant passage of goods between NI and the Republic.
2021-02-01 7:23 am
First of all this question is poor and you have no idea whats going on in the world its wake up time......
2021-03-18 3:11 am
Yes.  So is Wales.
2021-03-07 5:26 am
Muslim migrants move there
2021-02-16 9:38 am
NO! The 6 Counties are occupied by the Brits as is Gibraltar!
2021-01-19 1:54 am
It will be part of the Republic within the next 20 to 30 years, for now it is being squatted on by the Westminster government
2021-01-04 11:24 pm
Well, it depends. If you’re talking about Northern Ireland, the answer is yes. But if you’re talking about the Republic of Ireland, then, no. If, however, you’re wondering about the Island of Ireland, then…maybe.
2021-01-03 8:02 am
Yes, it's still part of the UK.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:08:48
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