The Democrats have already announced plans and projects of things they would like to do.  Cost?  $4-trillion.?

2020-12-31 1:38 pm
Since the US is already in debt that amounts to an increase of about $14,000 in annual cost of living expenses for every man, woman, and child in the country.

Okay, Liberals, is that what you want?  Are you happy now?

回答 (5)

2020-12-31 2:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dems love to spend other people's money.
2020-12-31 1:41 pm
Cheaper than the multi-trillion dollars for corporate billionaires that fat Donnie & his gang pushed through.
2020-12-31 1:40 pm
Biden hasn't been sworn in and ALREADY they're complaining about the debt!!!
2020-12-31 1:44 pm
When did you develop this objection? The deficit has grown 50% in the past four years.
2020-12-31 1:56 pm
Cons run up the bill EVERY TIME they get the chance - look at the debt now JUST since Trump!
Funny, it's always Cons running it up, Libs getting a good pat paid off - AND
YOU HAVE THE NERVE to complain when Libs want to do something to help things in the long run!  Yes high price tag NOW - but saves WAY MORE in the long run!
And anyway - like I said - why should Cons run up a bill on EVERYTHING they want, Libs end up figuring out how to pay a lot of it - BUT NOT ALLOWED to have ANYTHING they want! - Well f**k you!
And btw Mr. Brains - haven't you figured out YET that you CAN NOT increase spending, AND at the same time cut taxes, and expect it all to work out!
And YES the wealthy SHOULD pay up - you (well most of you anyway) claim to follow the Christian Bible - well listen to this then "To he that is given much, much is expected." - GET IT NOW?

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:14:49
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