How do I shrink the image on an HDMI monitor?

2020-12-29 8:59 pm
A new windows 10 computer is plugged into an HDMI monitor. The image is about 10% too large at the recommended resolution. The windows bar at the bottom and the icons on the left are off the screen. When I try to adjust the display size from windows, I get choices to make it bigger (125%, 150%) but not smaller. Under advanced there is a (not recommended) choice of adjusting the size but no matter what I enter, the apply button is inactive.

回答 (2)

2020-12-30 9:09 am
at the recommended resolution
That is the key phrase. Adjust the resolution setting.
2020-12-29 11:56 pm
Hold down the control key and use the scroll on your mouse. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:07:46
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