please correct my english ?

2020-12-29 12:57 pm
can you please rewrite this to make it natural and grammatical correct? im talking about some old photos. im not native speaker thanks!

“Even if we could not be able to travel home this winter holidays,  I'm very thankful that I have these photos so to look back on happy and safe times. I am missing you all a little extra this festive time of the year, but knowing everyone is healthy and on good spirits is more than makes up for it.”

回答 (2)

2020-12-31 11:41 am
“Even if we could not be able to travel home this winter holidays, I'm very thankful that I have these photos so to look back on happy and safe times. I am missing you all a little extra this festive time of the year, but knowing everyone is healthy and on good spirits is more than makes up for it.” can be corrected to: "I'm very thankful for having these photos to look back on happily safe times while not at home on holidays. I am missing you during the festive time of the year. While knowing how everyone is actually healthy as with good spirits is what makes up for it."
2020-12-29 1:12 pm
If we are not able to travel home for the winter holidays, I am thankful to have these photos to remind me of safe and happy times.  I miss you all, especially during this festive time of year; however, it helps to know everyone is healthy and in good spirits.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:11:44
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